Your gift helps the Center for Financial Reporting and Management sustain and shape the future of the accounting profession by supporting an enriched curriculum, scholarships, research, and outreach to the professional community.
You may make your gift online to the:
You may make your gift by check:
- Complete and send in this standard form to the UC Berkeley Donor and Gift Services (address is noted on the form). In the ”Designate my gift/pledge to” field, include Center for Financial Reporting and Management Fund.
You may make your gift by phone:
- Call Gift Services at 510.643.9789 to make a credit card gift and indicate that your gift is for the Center for Financial Reporting and Management Fund.
Because the CFRM receives no public money, we rely on the generosity of our sponsors to:
- Bring professionals into the classroom to share their expertise and stories
- Inform students about the accounting field and connect them with potential employers through career fairs and information sessions
- Encourage under-represented minorities to study accounting
- Provide stipends to PhD candidates and fund TAs for undergraduate courses
- Educate students about personal finance
- Organize topical conferences for the industry
- Engage in cutting edge research with accounting firms and Bay Area corporations
- Attract and retain the best faculty, staff, and students, and maintain a high-quality curriculum
The Center for Financial Reporting and Management values our relationships with the corporate community. The firms that sponsor our activities commit more than financial support, they contribute the insights and expertise that allow us to promote innovative, ethical financial and managerial accounting education.
The CFRM greatly appreciates the support of these sponsors: