To serve alcohol at an event, confirm the requirements of your state or province. In California, particularly on campus, an alcohol permit is required for each and every event at which alcohol is served. Special one-day permits, called a Form ABC-221, are obtained through the Alcoholic Beverage Commission (ABC).
When applying for a one-day alcohol permit, the chapter submits this memorandum to the ABC along with your bylaws AND recent meeting minutes. This memorandum describes the chapter’s relationship to the tax-exempt UC Regents and confirms its status as an “alumni constituency group.” The paperwork only has to be submitted the first time. Once your chapter is in the system for a regional ABC office, your information is on record as a qualified organization.
The application must be presented in person and chapter bylaws and minutes must be submitted with the application (Find your local office here). Be sure that the board member submitting the ABC application is listed as an officer in your chapter bylaws. If not, submit meeting minutes that confirm the change in leadership.
On the ABC license, use the same naming convention for your chapter as you use on your minutes and bylaws. A chapter representative must sign the application, as will an ABC officer. The one-day license is valid only for a single event.
Hotels and restaurants are generally licensed to serve alcohol. If your chapter plans an event at a public venue, the chapter has no additional legal obligations. But don’t forget to apply for liability insurance.
If a caterer is used, confirm that they are licensed to serve alcohol and record the catering company’s name and liquor license number on your insurance application.
The University of California requires all campus departments to use a catering or bartending service that has obtained a liquor license. Berkeley Haas’ Alumni Relations office is not allowed to obtain an alcohol permit on behalf of a chapter.