One of the best ways to strengthen our alumni network is to strengthen the data in our alumni directory. Networks are about communications. And effective communications require accurate contact data. Whether the messages are from the Haas School to alumni – from BHAN Chapters to alumni – or from individual alumni to other alumni, we all benefit from better data about our alumni.


Whether you are sending emails to a regional list or directing those messages to the Alumni Relations office to send, schedule a series of email communications:

  • Begin with a “Save the Date” message at least eight weeks in advance.
  • Send weekly or bi-weekly emails, starting a month to six weeks before the event that provide new information, such as a speaker bio, the menu, or where to find parking. We recommend no more than four registration emails sent out about an event. More is not always better and over emailing is not always productive.
  • Think about the first five words of your subject line. Generally, this is the number of words visible on a hand-held device. Those few words may determine if your email is opened or not.


Create a Facebook page that is linked from your website. Do NOT create a Facebook group; groups are private.

Name the Facebook page with search-ability in mind. For example, ‘Los Angeles Chapter — Berkeley Haas School of Business’ is more easily found than ‘BHAN Los Angeles.’

If your chapter rarely plans an event, do not set up a Facebook page. Similarly, do not start a page and let it die. Keep your Facebook page fresh and interesting with current news and photos. Recruit a board member who actively uses Facebook to manage your page.

See an example of a terrific Facebook page.

Recruit a board member who can actively manage your social media.


LinkedIn is best used to post jobs and relevant business content. If a board member can seed your LinkedIn group with relevant content of this nature, the LinkedIn group is sure to draw a following. See an example of a great LinkedIn Group.

To establish a formal subgroup of the Berkeley Haas Alumni LinkedIn group, contact [email protected].

Tip: The best social medium to promote events is a Facebook page in tandem with emails. If you use LinkedIn to promote an event, update your entire LinkedIn network through your individual profile. This is the best way to bring positive attention to the event and, more importantly, the work of your BHAN chapter.

Here are examples of effective messaging from chapters.


In lieu of establishing a chapter-specific handle, consider tagging all your chapter tweets with #haasalumni.

If a board member already has a following on Twitter, ask him/her to re-tweet information about your chapter. If not, build an audience by sharing information that is meaningful to alumni in your region.

EXAMPLE: “Residential real estate is up 18% in LA this year. Learn why at Berkeley Haas alumni chapter event, 3/23.”