Behavioral Lab Study Request Form
If you are interested in conducting a study in the Behavioral Lab, please fill out a Study Request Form
Minigrant Program (open to Haas researchers only)
Haas researchers can apply for small grants to support their studies. To apply fill out this grant application form.
If you would like to rent out additional laptops beyond what is provided in the lab, you can request laptops from BLab.
If you would like to request an extension on laptops you already have out, request a laptop rental extension.
SONA Systems
An online experiment management system for managing Haas RPP and paid studies. For a Haas Researcher guide to SONA Systems click here.
Group Room Reservation Policy
Group Rooms F503, F505 and S210 and S212 are subject to the following restrictions:
- Maximum of 24 total reservation hours per week, per Lab/Principal Investigator.
- Maximum of 2 week advanced reservations.
If your study must exceed these restrictions, please contact the Behavioral Lab Manager.
Web Based Resources and Data Collection Services
- Psychological (industrial/organizational) research on the net (links to experiments)
- Resources for computer-based experiments: Medialab/DirectRT, Qualtrics (free account for Haas faculty through
- Data analysis: Recommended by Encyclopedia Britannica—StatSoft, Inc. (2010). Electronic Statistics Textbook.
Haas Research Participant Program
The Haas Research Participant Program provides an opportunity for students to engage first hand in innovative Business research as participants. As a participant, students are helping researchers develop, apply, and extend the field of Business.
Students enrolled in UGBA105 and UGBA106 courses are invited to participate in our Haas RPP program. Students will receive course credit for their participation. If a student chooses to not participate, there is an alternative where students can obtain course credit. More information and details will be provided to the students at the start of the semester.
*They must be 18 years or older to participate.
For any questions please contact the Behavioral Lab Coordinator at [email protected].
Fall 2023 Courses Participating in Haas RPP
UGBA 105 [open to MORS researchers]
UGBA 106 [open to Marketing researchers]
Important Dates for Haas Researchers
Aug 31st | Researchers should reach out to [email protected] or [email protected] with credit requests. |
Sep 1st | Researchers will be notified about their approved number of credits that they should expect to fulfill. |
Sep 30th | Last day for UGBA 105 researchers to send in edits for the UGBA 105 presurvey.
(The UGBA 105 presurvey will always include PANAS and OCEAN and will be no longer than 1 hour in length). |
Oct. 16th | Beginning of RPP window
Studies should plan to begin running from this date until the end of the RPP window. For UGBA 105 and 106: 100% of total credit hours will be divided among the researchers who request RPP participants according to their requests. |
Dec 10th | Closing of the RPP Window
Last day to collect data. All timeslots should be set to cancel by the EOD. |
Please let Hyewon know if you have any questions! |