Fellow Opportunities at Institute for Business & Social Impact

The Berkeley-Haas Institute for Business and Social Impact’s Center for Social Sector Leadership, Center for Responsible Business, and Center for Equity, Gender, and Leadership have several fellowship and job opportunities available to Berkeley-Haas MBAs and other UC Berkeley graduate and undergraduate students during the academic year. These positions may be paid, unpaid, or offer independent study credit for work performed. An overview is provided below of these opportunities, including eligibility, time commitment, and remuneration if any.

Center for Social Sector Leadership (CSSL)

Currently none but please check back. We support the Packard Analysts and have new availabilities from time to time, program to program.

MBA Careers

From fellowships and financial support programs, to mentoring and direct career development support, UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business’s guidance and resources help place graduates where they can make an impact. And since many recruiters turn to Haas based on its excellent reputation, students have at their fingertips the widest possible range of job postings and career resources.

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