As professors at a top tier MBA program, the challenge given to us is one of deepening our students’ understanding of the general business landscape and providing them with the tools they need to be successful post-graduation. In recent times, we are seeing a trend towards a workplace infused with higher levels of diversity. Including diverse perspectives in our curriculum will enrich students’ learning and leave them well prepared to function in an increasingly diverse workplace.
We currently incorporate aspects of individual differences into our courses (e.g. learning styles, personalities, professional and personal experiences). There needs to be a push to also prioritize the inclusion of group/social differences into our courses (e.g. race and ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, country of origin, etc.). Below, you will find resources that will help you incorporate diversity related themes and topics into your existing curriculum.
Protocol for faculty on the adoption and instruction of Cases in the classroom: Policy on Faculty Adoption of Course Materials
LGBT Cases, Here is a list of LGBT Cases that can be incorporated into the classroom.
Looking Another Culture in the Eye, a great article by the NY Times illustrating the importance of cultural diversity in the workplace.
7 Ways to Create an Inclusive Classroom, As a faculty member, you play a critical role in deciding what climate you would like your classroom to have and you have the opportunity to set the tone.