High Electricity Rates Could Jeopardize California’s Electrification Efforts: Report

September 2022

Utility Dive

Faculty Directors, Severin Borenstein and Meredith Fowlie, and James Sallee, Faculty Affiliate, discuss California’s high electricity rates in the Utility Dive article.

“California uses volumetric rates to pay for numerous programs and costs, including infrastructure, wildfire damages, energy efficiency programs, low-income subsidies and rooftop solar, according to Severin Borenstein, a professor of business administration and public policy at Haas. “If you think of that as a tax that’s being added to the true cost of providing additional electricity, that tax is very regressive,” he said.”

Read more about the “electricity tax” on CapRadio, NewsWise, KPBS, San Francisco Examiner, S & P Global, RTO Insider, Yahoo News, Business Wire, and Black Voice News.


Photo: utilitydive.com