How Global Trade Pacts Award ‘Subsidies’ for Climate Pollution
May 2020
A new working paper by Joseph Shapiro, Energy Institute Faculty Affiliate, finds that several countries have unequal rates for dirty versus clean carbon industries, Bloomberg reports.
“He found it was worth between $550 billion and $800 billion a year—more than direct subsidies such as tax incentives paid by governments to big emitters in 2007. ‘This research is pointing out that different sets of policies that seem completely separate—trade policy and climate change—are connected quite closely in ways people might not have noticed,’ Shapiro said in an interview.”
Read More on Trade Barriers in Axios, Science News, Newsbreak, the Washington Examiner (Article 1 and Article 2), PhysOrg, the Daily Californian, The Energy Mix, Berkeley News, The Real News Network, Patch, Carbon Pulse, The Real News, Energy Post, and The Niskanen Center
Photo: Ian Waldie,