Executive Education Course
Milton Marks Conference Center
San Diego Room (downstairs)
455 Golden Gate Avenue
San Francisco, California 94102
March 5, 2007
Course Description:
This one-day course builds on the concepts taught in CSEM’s “Economic Fundamentals of Electricity Regulation and Markets” course. Energy professionals with some economics training and who are interested in understanding the mechanisms and dynamics of hedging, real-time pricing implementation issues, and capacity markets and resource adequacy should attend. There will be four 90-minute sessions and a break for lunch. All sessions are interactive and student participation is encouraged. The four sessions are:
Session 1: Risk and Hedging
9:00am – 10:30am
Basic principles
Natural Gas
Hedging Products
Hedging and Regulation
Session 2: Dynamic Pricing Implementation Issues
10:45am – 12:15pm
Hedging dynamic prices
Pricing mechanisms
Implementation issues
Lunch Break
12:15pm – 1:30pm
Session 3: Capacity Markets and Resource Adequacy
1:30pm – 3:00pm
General Principals
Implementation Issues
Performance Requirements and Penalties
Revenue Targets and Demand Curves
Session 4: Capacity Market Implementation and Examples
3:15pm – 4:45pm
Examples of US capacity markets
Examples of alternative approaches
Instructors’ Profiles:
Severin Borenstein is Co-Director of CSEM, a Professor of Business Economics at UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business, and Director of the University of California Energy Institute. Professor Borenstein holds a Ph.D. in economics from MIT. His research focuses on business competition and government regulation. He is the author of many articles on competition in electricity markets and on the gasoline and oil markets. Professor Borenstein also has done extensive research on the airline industry. He has advised many state and federal agencies and state and foreign governments on energy and airline matters. He is a research associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Professor Borenstein previously served as a member of the Board of Governors of the California Power Exchange.
James Bushnell is Co-Director of CSEM, Research Director of the University of California Energy Institute and a Lecturer at UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business. Dr. Bushnell holds a Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research from UC Berkeley. His research focuses on many aspects of operations, regulation and competition in the electricity industry. He is the author of many articles covering such topics as auction design, transmission planning and investment, market power, and energy demand. Dr. Bushnell serves on the California’s Independent System Operator’s Market Surveillance Committee and has served on the Market Monitoring Committee of the California Power Exchange.