1998 POWER Conference
on Energy Research and Policy

March 20, 1998

Clark Kerr Campus
Joseph Wood Krutch Theatre
2601 Warring Street
University of California, Berkeley


Organized by the University of California’s Energy Institute’s Program on Workable Energy Regulation, this conference presents the work of leading researchers on electricity industry restructuring. Their work directly addresses a number of critical policy concerns including competition in a deregulated market, market design and financial instruments, ancillary services, and demand-side management. Discussants of the work will include both researchers and practitioners.


Morning Sessions

8:00am-9:00am: Registration and Continental Breakfast

9:00am-9:15am: Welcome
Severin Borenstein, UCEI Director, POWER

9:15am-10:45am: Session 1

“Getting on the Map: The Political Economy of State-Level Electricity Restructuring” by Amy Ando and Karen Palmer, Resources for the Future

“Market Design and Price Behavior in Restructured Electricity Markets: An International Comparison” by Frank Wolak, Stanford University


Richard Bilas, CPUC

Pablo Spiller, UC Berkeley


11:10am-12:40pm: Session 2

“Must Run Generation: Can We Successfuly Mix Regulation and Competition” by John Jurewitz and Robin Walther, Southern California Edison

“Water and Power: Hydroelectric Resources in the Era of Competition in the Western US” by James Bushnell, UC Energy Institute


Matthew White, Stanford University

Yves Smeers, Universite Catholique de Louvain

12:40pm-2:10pm: Lunch

2:10pm-2:15pm: Welcome Back

2:15pm-3:00pm: Session 3

“Priority Network Access Pricing for Electric Power” by Shijie Deng and Shmuel Oren, UC Berkeley

“Congestion Management by an Independent System Operator” by Alex Papalexopoulos, Harry Singh, and George Angelidis, Pacific Gas & Electric


Robert Wilson, Stanford University

Laura Brien, NERA


3:25pm-4:55pm: Session 4

“Congestion Rents and Oligopolistic Competition in Electricity Networks: An Experimental Investigation” by Jurgen Weiss, Harvard University


Steve Stoft, FERC

4:55pm-5:00pm: Closing Remarks

5:00pm-6:30pm: Reception