2011 POWER Conference
on Energy Research and Policy

March 17, 2011

Joseph Wood Krutch Theater
Clark Kerr Campus
University of California, Berkeley
2601 Warring Street
Berkeley, CA 94720


Morning Sessions

8:00am-9:00am: Registration and Continental Breakfast

9:00am-9:15am: Welcome

9:15am-10:45am: Session 1

Retail Electricity Demand and Pricing

“Measuring the Benefits of Greater Spatial Granularity in Short-Term Pricing in Wholesale Electricity Markets” Frank Wolak (Stanford University)

“Effective and Equitable Adoption of Opt-In Residential Dynamic Electricity Pricing” Severin Borenstein (University of California, Berkeley)

Stephen Holland (University of North Carolina, Greensboro)
Michael Sullivan (Freeman Sullivan & Co.)


11:10am-12:40pm: Session 2

“The Behavioral Response to Voluntary Provision of an Environmental Public Good: Evidence from Residential Electricity Demand” Grant D. Jacobsen (University of Oregon), Matthew J. Kotchen (Yale University), and Michael P. Vandenbergh (Vanderbilt University)

Lupe Strickland (Sacramento Municipal Utility District)

Low Carbon Resources on the Grid

“Flexible Mandates for Investment in Carbon Capture and Storage” Dalia Patino Echeverri, Dallas Burtraw and Karen Palmer (Resources for the Future)

Catherine Wolfram (University of California, Berkeley)

12:40pm-2:10pm: Lunch

2:10pm-2:15pm: Welcome Back

2:15pm-3:00pm: Session 3

Low Carbon Resources on the Grid, Continued

“Comparing the Costs of Intermittent and Dispatchable Electricity Generation” Paul Joskow (Sloan Foundation and MIT)

“Integration of Wind and Solar Energy in the California Power System: Results from Simulations of a 20% Renewable Portfolio Standard” Udi Helman (BrightSource Energy), Mark Rothleder (California ISO), Clyde Loutan (California ISO), Sundar Ventakaraman (GE Energy Consulting), and Tao Guo (PLEXOS)

Andrew Mills (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Todd Strauss (Pacific Gas & Electric)


3:25pm-4:55pm: Session 4

Cap-and-Trade Design Issues

“Adverse Selection and Emissions Offsets” James Bushnell (Iowa State University)

“Designing Markets for Pollution When Damages Vary Across Sources: Evidence from the NOx Budget Program” Meredith Fowlie (University of California, Berkeley) and Nicolas Muller (Middlebury College)

David Evans (U. S. Environmental Protection Agency)
Larry Goulder (Stanford University)

5:00pm – 6:30pm: Reception with music provided by the jazz combo “Solar Wind”