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New York Alumni: Understanding the Platform Economy ft. Prof. David Holtz
Red Associates Inc, 26 Broadway # 2505, New York, NY 10004, USA |
June 16, 2022 @ 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Join Professor David Holtz on learning about the Platform Economy, followed by Q&A and a Networking Session with fellow Haas & Cal Alumni!
Online marketplaces and platforms mediate an increasingly large number of important life decisions, including the news and entertainment we consume, the way that we travel, the products we purchase, our labor market outcomes, and even the people that we date.
Yet, both researchers and practitioners are only just beginning to understand the social science of how these platforms work, and how the design choices made by platform designers impact not only the growth and success of platforms themselves, but also the outcomes of the individuals who use these platforms.
In this talk, Professor David Holtz will give a brief overview of his research on a number of different topics, such as recommendation algorithms and reputation systems, much of which has been conducted in collaboration with many of the world’s leading platform firms, such as Airbnb, Spotify, and Facebook.
After his talk, there will be a brief Q&A session followed by networking with fellow Haas and Cal Alumni across a variety of different industries along with light refreshments.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
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