When enrolling in the University, students assume an obligation to conduct themselves in a manner compatible with the University’s function as an educational institution. Rules concerning student conduct, student organizations, use of University facilities, and related matters are set forth in both University policies and campus regulations, copies of which are available upon request at the Office of Student Life. All students should pay particular attention to the booklet Berkeley Campus Regulations Implementing University Policies.
When these policies and standards are violated, the Berkeley Graduate Division has final jurisdiction over administrative and academic decisions that terminate or otherwise restrict a graduate student’s progress toward graduation. This can include:
- Dismissal from the program
- Placement on academic probation
- Denial of re-admission if the student was in good academic standing at the time of withdrawal
There is a perception that more and more cases of academic dishonesty are going unreported to the campus Center of Student Conduct and Community Standards (CSCCS) – either because the instructor does not want to invest the time required to conform to campus policy or because the instructor believes that a significant investment of time might result in sanction that is insufficient. To begin to reverse this trend, the Office of the Dean wants to create a culture where all faculty and students know that the faculty expects any instance of academic dishonesty to be reported, and that certain types of academic dishonesty will result in sanctions more severe than in the past.
The Haas School’s ladder faculty members are resolved that:
- To ensure that Campus has a formal record, a faculty member will report any incident of academic dishonesty to the appropriate degree program office.
- In resolving the incident, the degree program office will take the lead in dealing with both the student(s) and the campus Center of Student Conduct and Community Standards (CSCCS), involving the faculty member only when necessary.
- In cases of blatant academic dishonesty (as defined below), the presumption will be that the faculty member will assign to the student a final course grade of “F” and recommend to the Center of Student Conduct and Community Standards (CSCCS) a one-semester suspension. Blatant academic dishonesty includes (but is not limited to) Arranging for another student to take an exam, or taking another student’s exam, Plagiarism consisting of inclusion without proper citation of more than 50 words composed by someone else, Submitting an exam answer that is virtually verbatim to that of another student, or willfully allowing other students to copy one’s own exam answers Communicating with another student or using a resource (e.g., the internet) during the taking of an in-class or take-home exam, where the instructor has explicitly stated in writing that such communication or resource usage is impermissible.Based on the specific circumstances of any particular incident, the faculty member retains the right to assign a final grade higher than an “F” and/or recommend to the Center of Student Conduct and Community Standards (CSCCS) a sanction that is less or more severe than one-semester suspension. In any case, the campus Center of Student Conduct and Community Standards (CSCCS) retains final authority to determine a student’s actual academic sanction(s), as per campus policy.
- At the beginning of each academic year, the Senior Assistant Dean for Instruction (ADI) will send an email to all students that stresses the importance of academic integrity, provides a link to a website with clear definition and examples of plagiarism, and emphasizes the Haas School’s policy regarding academic dishonesty.
Achievement and proficiency in subject matter include the student’s realization that neither is to be achieved by cheating. An instructor has the right to assign a grade of “F” on a single assignment produced by cheating without determining whether the student has a passing knowledge of the relevant factual material. That is an appropriate academic evaluation for a failure to understand or abide by the basic rules of academic study and inquiry. An instructor has the right to assign a final grade of “F” for the course if the student plagiarized a paper for a portion of the course, even if successfully and honestly passed the remaining portion of the course. It must be understood that any student who knowingly aids in plagiarism or other cheating, e.g., allowing another student to copy a paper or examination question, is as guilty as the cheating student.
The Berkeley campus actively supports the official policy of the University of California on sexual harassment, which states: “The University of California is committed to creating and maintaining a community in which students, faculty, and administrative and academic staff can work together in an atmosphere free of all forms of harassment, exploitation, or intimidation, including sexual. Specifically, every member of the University community should be aware that the University is strongly opposed to sexual harassment and that such behavior is prohibited both by law and by University policy. It is the intention of the University to take whatever action may be needed to prevent, correct, and, if necessary, discipline behavior which violates this policy.” The campus has a special complaint procedure designed to facilitate prompt and confidential resolution of sexual harassment complaints. If you believe that you have been a victim of sexual harassment, have questions about the definition of sexual harassment or about the special complaint procedure, or have questions about the interrelationship between the special complaint procedure and other campus procedures, you may address your inquiries to the Title IX Compliance Officer, (510) 643-7985. Copies of the procedure are available in 200 California Hall.
Sexual Harassment/Assault Advocacy and Education Program
The Sexual Harassment/Assault Advocacy and Education Program, coordinated by the campus Gender Equity Resource Center, provide educational workshops for student groups and confidential advocacy and support for individuals who may have experienced harassment or an assault. Short-term crisis intervention counseling is also available. For further information, call (510) 642-4786. University Health Services also offers sexual assault prevention workshops ((510) 642-7202), immediate response to sexual assault ((510) 642-6074), and services for recent survivors and those working to recover from a past assault.