Pre-term Workshops
EWMBA Data & Decisions: Pre-term Workshop
Congratulations on your admission to the Evening & Weekend MBA Program at the Haas School of Business, and welcome to the Haas community!
Your success in Data & Decisions (Fall B) is important to us. We have designed a pre-term assessment for you to evaluate your prerequisite knowledge of statistics and probability. You will be automatically enrolled in this fully online workshop. Please watch your email for an invitation from “bCourses”, UC Berkeley’s learning management system, on or around June 18 (Rounds 1-4 admits) or later for Round 5 admits.
Whether you have a strong quantitative background or already know that you could benefit from some additional work on these topics, we highly recommend that you complete the pre-term assessment. The assessment will tell you which concepts in chapters 1-12 you have already mastered, and it will direct you to further instructional materials on concepts for which you may need additional practice. The assignments will not be graded, but it is highly recommended that you complete them. Please note that there are no grades or units associated with this pre-term workshop.
Live online sessions with Professor Veselina Dinova:
1st session
Wednesday, July 12 from 5:30-7:00 PM
2nd session
Sunday, September 17 from 4:00-5:30 PM
3rd session
Sunday, October 1 from 4:00-5:30 PM
You may also wish to review a previous year’s weekend syllabus or evening syllabus (please note that this is meant to serve only as a reference).
There will be a quiz covering chapters 1-12 of the required Stine and Foster textbook on the first day of Data & Decisions.