Persuasive Communication & Interpersonal Dynamics
Expertise and Research Interests
- Business Communications
- Digital Pedagogy
- Faculty Development
- “‘I’d Like My Life Back’: BP, Aristotle, and Negative Messages with Integrity,” Business Communications Quarterly, Sept 2012. Vol 75, Issue 3, pp. 317 – 339.
- Novel manuscript The Plagiarists represented by Karpfinger Literary Agency, 2016.
- Fiction and creative nonfiction, including LA Weekly, Joyland Magazine, Opium Magazine, The Rambler, The Modern Spectator, Mr. Beller’s Neighborhood, Locus Novus, Poor Mojo’s Almanack, Nerve (Finalist for Rauxa Prize), Painted Bride Quarterly (Nominated for Pushcart Prize, Finalist for the 2012 Baltic Writing Residency)
At Haas since 2007
- 2013 – 2013, Freelance Branding and Marketing Specialist, FortyTwo Inc/Kifi (January – June)
- 2007 – present, Lecturer, University of California, Berkeley
- 2007 – 2013, Adjunct Faculty, University of San Francisco
- 2003 – 2007, Language Lecturer, New York University
- 2000 – 2002, Marketing & Communications Manager, Systech Solutions
- 1997 – 1999, Systems Analyst, Warnaco [PVH] / Authentic Fitness
2019 - 2021, Faculty Advisory Committee of the Vice Chancellor for Education (two year appointment) 2015 - present, Co-Facilitator of the UC Berkeley Lecturer Teaching Fellows Program 2015 - present, Coordinator of the semi-annual College Writing Programs' Chiang Research Festival 2015 - 2018, Judge for the Elizabeth mills Corhters Prize in Literary Composition 2014 - present, Co-Creator of new London-focused two-course reading & composition sequence for UC Berkeley Global Edge freshman studying abroad
- Arctic Circle Writer’s Residency Fellow, Svalbard, 2019
- Lecturer Teaching Fellow, University of California, Berkeley, 2012-2013, 2014-2015
- Digital Media & Composition Institute Fellow, Ohio State University, 2014
- Excellence in Teaching Award, Expository Writing Program, New York University, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007
- Matz Fellow, New York University, 2002-2005
- GSAS Scholarship, New York University, 2002-2005
- First-Class Degree awarded with Distinction, University College London, 2001
- Composition
- Writing Pedagogy
- Multimodal Literacies and Digital Pedagogy
- Corporate Communications
- Fiction and Creative Nonfiction Writing