Minimum GPA (Grade Point Average)
The Graduate Division requires all UC Berkeley Graduate Students to maintain an overall cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better. While the undergraduate courses numbered 99 and lower are not calculated into your MBA’s GPA, they are factored into your Berkeley’s overall cumulative GPA.
Academic Probation
Any student with a cumulative GPA less than 3.0 will be placed on Academic Probation. The purpose of probation is to allow a student, whose performance is not meeting the minimum GPA requirement, to improve by providing them time to address any academic difficulties they have identified. Academic probation may result in but is not limited to, the following outcomes:
- dismissal from the program;
- ineligibility to participate in the Full-Time MBA Exchange Program
- ineligibility to work as an Academic Student Employee such as Graduate Student Instructor (GSI), Graduate Student Research (GSR), or Reader, and
- ineligibility from certain leadership opportunities.
The FTMBA Academics Team is dedicated to assisting students who are on probation and/or having academic difficulties. For more information on Academic Probation, refer to the Guide to Graduate Policies.