Anne Simpson
Managing Investment Director, Board Governance & Sustainability, CalPERS
Anne is CalPERS’ Managing Investment Director for Board Governance & Sustainability, responsible for strategic initiatives across the total fund where she is a member of the Investment Management Committee and reports to the CEO. Anne leads CalPERS’ Sustainable Investment Strategy, which focuses on sustainable value creation through the effective management of three forms of capital: financial, human and natural. Priorities include data and corporate reporting, research through the Sustainable Investments Research Initiatives, financial markets regulation, climate change, diversity and inclusion, including emerging managers and CalPERS’ work as co-founder of 3D (Diverse Director DataSource).
Anne oversees CalPERS’ global partnerships including serving on the Steering Committee and chairing the Asia Advisory Group for Climate Action 100+, a global investor alliance of $54 trillion which CalPERS convened and co-founded. She was recently appointed to the California Governor’s Climate Risk Disclosure Advisory Group.
She sits on the strategy group for the UN Secretary General’s Global Investors for Sustainable Development, and steering committee for the UN Net Zero Asset Owner Alliance. Anne is a member of the Leadership Council at the Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights.
Anne was recognized in 2019 by TIME Magazine as one of 15 women globally leading the fight on climate change and as one of the 100 Most Influential Women in US Finance by Barron’s in 2020. She is cited by the National Association of Corporate Directors as one of the 100 most influential leaders in the boardroom. In roles prior to joining CalPERS, Anne served as the first Executive Director of the International Corporate Governance Network, and as the head of the World Bank-OECD Global Corporate Governance Forum. Previously she was Joint Managing Director of Pensions & Investment Research Consultants Ltd. Anne read Philosophy, Politics and Economics at St Hilda’s College, Oxford University, where she was awarded a BA and MA, plus a Slater Fellowship at Wellesley College, Massachusetts.