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In Defense of CSR
February 25, 2010
Most of us can’t deny the enormous potential for harnessing the power and resources of corporations to effect social change. But we as consumers are skeptical about the motivation behind CSR efforts – we’re concerned about defensive PR tactics…
Pepsi’s Health Kick
February 22, 2010
Pepsi may seem an unlikely advocate for nutrition given its well-known product portfolio of sugary sodas and salty snacks. But lately it’s been giving staunch skeptics good reason to believe that the company is truly committed to promoting a…
Student CSR Consulting Projects Kick Off
February 15, 2010
This spring the Center for Responsible Business is sponsoring two experiential learning classes – Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility – for both MBAs and undergraduates at the Haas School of Business. The classes provide students with…
New year, new me?
January 06, 2010
Wishing you good business in 2010! This year, we promise, the Center for Responsible Business will jettison itself (albeit almost a decade behind schedule) into the 21st century and join the world wide web 2.0. Better late than never. We’ve…