Greening and Re-Branding
AT&T Collaborates with GE to Switch to LED Signage
Renewable energy technologies are very important in our world today. In the United States, we have done a phenomenal job in our research and development practices involved in creating, restoring, and promoting energy efficient technologies. One particular concept, LED lighting, has the potential in reducing our energy consumption by up to 80%. By replacing regular incandescent lights with LED lighting, we could conserve a great deal of energy; the only drawback is the upfront cost that makes up the bulk of the costs of installing LED lighting. However, the impacts that can result from LED lights are unparalleled.
I read an article entitled “AT&T Collaborates with GE to Switch to LED Signage,”a great social responsibility effort by both of these companies. Corporations such as AT&T and General Electric are massive and therefore can have a tremendous impact through their corporate social responsibility practices. AT&T makes a great effort in replacing its retail signs around the country, with benefits for itself as a corporation and for our environment by utilizing GE’s LED technology. The article notes, “AT&T is expected to save more than 5.8 million kilowatt hours of electricity a year and eliminate 3,500 metric tons of carbon dioxide annually. It’s the equivalent of planting more than 950 acres of trees.” AT&T has taken this strong step in re-branding and has thought about our environment while doing so.
The partnership established by these two corporations is beneficial in itself, to serve as an example for other large entities. These two companies are making great strides in promoting energy efficiency and saving money, two important values of corporate social responsibility. By promoting energy efficiency through a partnership and through the novel concept of LED lighting, AT&T has proven its clever business savvy in the corporate world.