Fall 2024/Spring 2025 – UGBA 10/10X Update

Effective Fall 2024, UGBA 10 will no longer be offered. UGBA 10 historically has served as a critical course for those pursuing the Business Administration major at the Haas School of Business and as we’ve recently restructured the course to accommodate the launch of our Spieker Undergraduate Program, we have revamped UGBA 10 into its new iteration, UGBA 10X. All continuing UC Berkeley student who hope to apply to the Business Administration major should enroll in UGBA 10X.

Haas Auditing Policy

Auditing of Undergraduate Business courses is not allowed.

Time Conflict (Updated for Spring 2025)

Beginning Spring 2025, Time Conflict overrides will not be permitted. Students hoping to enroll in two conflicting courses must select one course. This applies to all Business Administration courses, regardless of course modality (online-asynchronous) or if course attendance is taken.

Course Enrollment Information

On a space available basis, the Undergraduate Program Office enrolls Haas majors first in Business courses, regardless of wait list position, followed by non-Haas students starting from the top of the wait list. All waitlisted students are strongly advised to have a back-up course. Priority for enrollment in undergraduate Business courses is as follows:

Phase 1

Enrollment into most UGBA courses will be restricted to Juniors and Seniors declared in the Business Administration major.

Phase 2

Enrollment into most UGBA courses will be restricted to all students declared in the Business Administration major.

First year students will not be eligible to enroll in some upper division UGBA coursework. For first year Business Administration majors: It is not recommended to enroll in upper division UGBA courses until you are finished with all prerequisite coursework. See classes.berkeley.edu for specific enrollment information for each class.

Adjustment Period:

When the Adjustment Period begins, enrollment will occur in this order on a space available basis:

  1. Haas majors with 5-8 terms of attendance
  2. Haas majors with 1-4 terms of attendance
  3. Undergraduates, non-Haas majors
  4. Graduate students
  5. Eligible Concurrent Enrollment & Cross Registration students

The Undergraduate Program Office recommends that non-Haas students wait list themselves during Phase I.

Instructor Drop

Any student not meeting listed prerequisites for Business courses or not attending in the first three weeks of instruction may be “Instructor Dropped” from the class list or wait list.

Enforced Prerequisite Classes for Spring 2025

All students WISHING TO TAKE THE COURSES BELOW should have completed or have in progress the enforced prerequisites before Spring 2025. If a student will not have the prerequisite completed by the beginning of Spring 2025, then the student will be dropped from the class list. See more details in the Class Notes section on classes.berkeley.edu

Class Prerequisite Course Number
UGBA 102B UGBA 102A (can be taken concurrently with UGAB 102B)
UGBA 131 UGBA 103
UGBA 167 – Lecture 1 with Bill Fanning UGBA 106

Lower division versions of the prerequisite will not be allowed. *All community college classes are considered lower division and will not satisfy the enforced prerequisites.*


Students are allowed to add and drop classes up to 11:59pm on Wednesday of the fourth week of classes.

The Undergraduate Program finalizes enrollment on Friday of the fourth week of classes. Students should check their enrollment in business classes on CalCentral on Friday by 11:59pm. If they have not been enrolled in a course by that time, they should NOT continue to attend as they will not be added to the class.

Professors and GSIs CANNOT enroll students in Business Administration/UGBA courses.

Auditing of Undergraduate Business courses is not allowed.


Concurrent Enrollment

Berkeley Courses for Non-Berkeley Students

Students at other colleges, UC employees, and others, can take UC Berkeley courses through UC Berkeley Extension’s Concurrent Enrollment program. This program allows you, for a fee, to participate fully in a Berkeley class, have homework and exams graded, and receive an official course grade. If you wish to take a Haas undergraduate course from the list below through the Concurrent Enrollment Program, please see UC Berkeley Extension’s website to complete an application.

Requirements for admission to a course as a Concurrent Enrollment student are below:

  • The course does not have a wait list of current UC Berkeley students.
  • The course is not over-enrolled.
  • The prerequisite for the course is not being enforced. See the notes section at: https://classes.berkeley.edu/
  • The course is NOT open to current UC Berkeley Business majors ONLY.
  • The Professor teaching the course has given their consent for concurrent enrollment.

Please see below for the list of Haas Undergraduate Program courses that are currently open to concurrent enrollment students. Haas Undergraduate Program courses that are not on this list are not open to concurrent enrollment students. Concurrent enrollment applications submitted for UGBA courses that are not on the list below will be denied. Visiting students participating in the Berkeley Haas Global Access Program (BHGAP) will have priority in registering for the following courses. Although faculty may recommend a student for a course, the final decision is made by the Haas Undergraduate Program Office. Haas Undergraduate Faculty do not control enrollment in undergraduate business courses.

Be advised that the list below is subject to change. There is no guarantee of enrollment in any of these courses. We highly recommend you have back-up courses in case you do not get in your desired UGBA class(es).

If you have a question regarding Concurrent Enrollment you may email [email protected]

List of Open Courses for Spring 2025

Class Title Lecture Professor Class Number
UGBA 101A Microeconomic Analysis for Business Decision 1 Mina Mirazini
UGBA 101A Microeconomic Analysis for Business Decisions 2 Mina Mirazini
UGBA101B 1 Don Hanna
UGBA101B 2 Don Hanna
UGBA102A Financial Accounting 1 Valerie Zhang
UGBA102A Financial Accounting 2 Valerie Zhang
UGBA103 Intro to Finance 1 Matteo Benetton
UGBA106 Marketing 2 William Fanning
UGBA117 Antitrust 1 Matthew Backus
UGBA121 1 Eric Ryan
UGBA122 1 John Briginshaw
UGBA128 1 John Briginshaw
(BHGAP Only)
Corporate Strategy and Valuation 1 Sumon Mazumdar
UGBA157 Decision Making 2 Celia Gaertig
UGBA157 The Pursuit of Meaningful Work 3 Michael Katz
(BHGAP Only)
Becoming a Changemaker 1 Alex Budak
UGBA167 3 Rachel Gershon
(BHGAP Only)
Leading Strategy Implementation 1 Olaf Groth
(BHGAP Only)
Markets, Firms and Environmental Sustainability 1 Kelsey Jack
UGBA184 1 Antoine Levy
UGBA190T 1 David Rochlin/Lisa Wymore
UGBA190T Intellectual Property for Entrepreneurship 2 Todd Fitch
UGBA190T 3 Marianna Somma
UGBA190T Solving Family Business Growth Challenges 4 Ronda Shrader
UGBA191L Leadership Communication 1 Ingrid Gavshon/Susanne Houlihan
UGBA192ID Impact Startup Disco 1 Jorge Calderon
UGBA192PF 1 Brittany Sartor
UGBA192T Sustainable Capitalism in the Nordics: A Berkeley Changemaker Course 1 Robert Strand
UGBA194 Undergraduate Colloquium on Business Topics 1 Alan Ross
UGBA194 Undergraduate Colloquium on Business Topics 2 Doug Leeds
UGBA195A 1 Aaron McDaniel
(BHGAP Only)
Founder Workshop: Building a Fundable Startup 1 Jonathan Heyne
UGBA196 Coaching and the Art of Feedback 2 Susan Snyder

Academic Integrity

The following is the Haas School of Business’ policy as it relates to Academic Integrity:

1. To ensure that campus has a formal record, a faculty member will report any incident of academic dishonesty to the appropriate degree program office.

2. In resolving the incident, the degree program office will serve as a guide in dealing the student(s), faculty and the Center for Student Conduct.

3. In cases of blatant academic dishonesty (as defined below), the presumption will be that the faculty member will assign to the student a final course grade of “F” and recommend to the CSCCS a one-semester suspension. Blatant academic dishonesty includes (but is not limited to):

3a. Arranging for another student to take an exam, or taking another student’s exam,

3b. Plagiarism consisting of inclusion without proper citation of more than 50 words composed by someone else,

3c. Submitting an exam answer that is virtually verbatim to that of another student, or willfully allowing other students to copy one’s own exam answers,

3d. Communicating with another student or using a resource (e.g., the internet) during the taking of an in-class or take-home exam, where the instructor has explicitly stated in writing that such communication or resource usage is impermissible.

Based on the specific circumstances of any particular incident, the faculty member retains the right to assign a final grade higher than an “F” and/or recommend to the CSCCS a sanction that is less or more severe than one-semester suspension. In any case, the CSCCS retains final authority to determine a student’s actual academic sanction(s), as per campus policy.

4. Note: Courses for which academic dishonesty has been verified by established campus procedures cannot be dropped from the record, nor can the grading option be changed. If a student drops a course in which academic dishonesty has been verified, the course will be reinstated and the grade will be posted to the student’s record. If a student changes the grading option in a course in which academic dishonesty has been verified, the the grading option will be reverted to the grading option on record at the time of the incident of misconduct and the grade will be posted to the student’s record.

5. At the beginning of each academic year, the Senior Assistant Dean for Instruction (SADI) will send an email to all students that stresses the importance of academic integrity, provides a link to a website with clear definition and examples of plagiarism, and emphasizes the Haas School’s policy regarding academic dishonesty.