Humans of Haas: David Truong
Written by Annie Wang.
What is something you enjoy doing?
I was pretty lost in high school because I didn’t know what I wanted to do. During the college application season, I was the most undecided person in my circle of friends in terms of choosing a major. I definitely didn’t relate to my other peers in terms of career interests. Once I got to college, I joined clubs that my friends were joining hoping that I was passionate about things, but I wasn’t. I knew that my favorite parts of high school were when I was performing in marching band and I have always loved to sing and dance. So, I decided to pursue theater instead. Theater was the first decision I’ve made for myself. When I’m on stage I have to be vulnerable and it allows me to let go of the outside world. I’ve considered a career in it, but right now, it’s just something that I really love doing and I don’t want to let that go.
What are you passionate about and why?
I believe that the idea of passion might not actually exist. People have described passion to me as a magical feeling that is going to last throughout the entire course of my career. It’s supposed to make you feel fulfilled indefinitely. Realistically, passion is not that feeling. To me, passion is something that I’m willing to be unhappy for, willing to show tough love for or something I’m willing to bear a burden for. I think that caring about something requires a lot of time, attention and self-sacrifice. This isn’t always a fulfilling feeling; instead, it is a feeling of “I can’t do anything else but this.” So, I’m not sure what I am passionate about in terms of my career yet and that is okay. But, I know that I care a lot about education and the arts as well as relationships with my friends and family.