Written by Annie Wang.

UFA | UMCG is a Haas-sponsored organization that is hosting an Investment Banking Forum this Thursday, April 12th from 5-8PM in Pauley Ballroom. I had the chance to talk with Eric Xu, VP of Investment Banking and Michael Chien, VP of Marketing to learn more about this incredible event.


UFA|UMCG (Undergraduate Finance Association | Undergraduate Management Consulting Group) is a leading student business organization at UC Berkeley. The organization connects students with consulting and financial services professionals, and holds a number of signature events that are highly useful for both companies and students, including our major event: the annual Investment Banking Forum.

The Investment Banking Forum is hosted annually in partnership with the UC Berkeley Career Center. Utilizing our existing relationships and alumni, UFA|UMCG invites banks to attend and markets the event for all Cal students interested in the banking sector. Our volunteers help organize and run the event. Last year, we surpassed expectations by hosting over 20 firms and had approximately 550 student attendees.

The IB Forum is important because firms and recruiters want to meet talented students; likewise, applicants want to learn about different banks and the industry.  It allows students of any major and year to learn about an industry that can be confusing to navigate! We also want to make Berkeley a target destination for all of the top firms and continue to work hard to make that happen.

Our hope is that the Investment Banking Forum can help close that gap, and make the recruiting process easier for everyone involved.


What does the banking industry look like?

The investment banking industry primarily provides M&A advisory and capital raising services alongside ancillary services such as market-making and securities trading. Investment banking firms are generally categorized as “bulge-bracket” investment banks, which are the nine largest multinational banks that service the highest value transactions, a large number of middle-market banks, independent advisory firms that provide pure advisory services as opposed to providing capital, and a large number of smaller boutiques that focus on a particular sector and/or region.

What companies are represented?

Barclays, Citi, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs, Jefferies LLC, Lazard Freres & Co. LLC, Perella Weinberg Partners, The Raine Group, and more!

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