Berkeley Haas faculty offer a wide range of entrepreneurship courses with an emphasis on Lean Launch methods and extending to specialized social impact and technical areas. Courses are geared both to students interested in an introduction to entrepreneurship and those who want in-depth immersion in the three phases of the entrepreneurial journey: ideation and team formation, customer discovery and validation, and startup acceleration.

Courses by Subject and Type

Class Name Semester Subject Entrepreneurial Interest Category of Entrepreneurship
292T. Social Impact Disco Fall Starting a Company Student Starting a Company
295T. Social Lean Launchpad Fall Starting a Company Founder Starting a Company
294. Venture Capital Speaker Series Fall Venture Capital Student, Founder Financing a Company
294. Private Equity Speaker Series Fall Venture Capital Student Financing a Company
295B. Venture Capital and Private Equity Fall Venture Capital Student Financing a Company
295A. Entrepreneurship Fall General Entrepreneurship Student Starting a Company
294. Life as an Entrepreneur Fall General Entrepreneurship Student, Founder Starting a Company and Financing a Company
294. Social Impact Speaker Series Fall General Entrepreneurship Student Starting a Company
295M. Business Model Innovation & Entrepreneurial Strategy Fall General Entrepreneurship Founder Starting a Company and Financing a Company
295C. Opportunity Recognition: Technology and Entrepreneurship Fall General Entrepreneurship Student Starting a Company and Financing a Company
295T. The Startup Lab Fall Working w/ Startups Founder Starting a Company
295I. Entrepreneurship Workshop for Startups Spring Starting a Company Student Starting a Company
295T. Lean Launchpad Spring Starting a Company Founder Starting a Company
295D. New Venture Finance Spring Venture Capital Founder Financing a Company
295A. Entrepreneurship Spring General Entrepreneurship Student Starting a Company
292N. Social Entrepreneurship Spring General Entrepreneurship Student Starting a Company
295C. Opportunity Recognition: Technology and Entrepreneurship Spring General Entrepreneurship Student Starting a Company and Financing a Company

Courses in Entrepreneurship

Whether you are interested in an introduction to entrepreneurship, want to learn more about venture capital and financing, or launch your own company, we have a wide range of offerings. Berkeley Haas faculty collaborate with faculty across campus to offer entrepreneurship courses with a social and technical focus as well.

Electives in the Full-Time MBA, Evening-Weekend MBA and MBA for Executives Programs

Undergraduate Course Descriptions