Berkeley Haas’ Affinity and Interest groups support the school by creating community, content and events for alumni with a shared interest such as industry, or by identity. They work in partnership with the Haas School to champion and amplify the school’s mission, priorities and goals.

Interested in forming an affinity or interest group? Refer to our Affinity and Interest Group Guidelines to learn more information and see how the Alumni Relations Office supports its groups.

Berkeley Angel Network

The Berkeley Angel Network is a group of angel investors who are alumni, faculty and former faculty of UC Berkeley. The mission of the Berkeley Angel Network is to build an angel investor community among the alumni and faculty of UC Berkeley, and to improve the collective skills and knowledge of this angel investor community through activities related to angel investing.

Lan Fong, EMBA 18, Co-President
George Willman, FTMBA 93, Co-President

Connect: | (LI Group) | (LI Company Page)


Berkeley Haas Blockchain & Crypto Interest Group (BHBC)

BHBC members share a common interest in decentralized technologies, their social impact and practical applications such as bitcoin and alternative coins, NFTs, DeFi, etc.

The group offers opportunities to members, through hosted in-person or virtual events, to have direct dialogue with alumni and non-alumni industry leaders, showcase alumni startups, share knowledge with each other via social media such as Telegram, and network with each other.

The ultimate goal is to help alumni build a broader knowledge of blockchain and cryptocurrency, create a strong community and a network beneficial to them. If you’re interested in hearing about their events, click here.

Swaroop Poudel, JD 17
Jin Kim, MFE 23

Connect: |

Berkeley Real Estate Alumni Association (BREAA)

BREAA is the official real estate alumni association of the University of California, Berkeley. We are committed to developing a diverse community and providing students and graduates with opportunities to serve, learn, connect, and innovate in the built environment.

Jan Smidek, FTMBA 10

Connect: |


The BC/EMBA chapter members are graduates of the Berkeley-Columbia Executive MBA Program, or the Berkeley Haas Executive MBA program. The chapter aims to improve and publicize the standing of the Haas School Executive MBA program globally, and to link graduates and the various constituencies of the Haas School Community in positive and productive ways while providing superior opportunities for personal and professional growth through a lifetime connection to Haas and to one another.

Narges Attaran, EMBA 20
Connect: |

Sustainability Alumni at Berkeley Haas

We are a group of committed #StudentsAlways who believe that the lessons we learned and successes we earned at Haas don’t end at graduation, but should be carried forward to advance sustainability in the wider world. We are dedicated to the principle that business, at its core, must be environmentally and socially responsible to ensure the long-term survivability of our planet and the thriving of all future generations.

Our mission is to equip Haas alumni with the tools, knowledge, resources, relationships, and inspiration needed to challenge the status quo and change the world for the better.

Christina Cairns, EMBA 22
Adriana Penuela Useche, EWMBA 22
JP Young, EMBA 22


Women in Leadership

The Women in Leadership Alumnae (WILA) is a worldwide network of Berkeley Haas alumnae committed to fostering a community that celebrates and amplifies the power of bringing women together. Our mission is to create a space for women to have authentic and compassionate exchanges on topics aligned with their professional and personal journey, that is anchored by women finding strength, support and inspiration in one another.

Deepti Patibandla, EWMBA 10
Abha Bhagat, EWMBA 10

Connect: | | | |

Interest & Affinity Groups on Virtual Platforms

Our interest and affinity groups on Linkedin and other virtual platforms are one of the best ways to stay in touch with thousands of your fellow alumni. With groups ranging from industry, interest, region or identity, these channels help connect alumni and students with a range of shared interests.

Through our virtual groups, you can:

  • Leverage the power of the Haas Network to connect with Haas alumni across all programs.
  • Get updates about the Haas School, and alumni alike.
  • Learn about events that are of interest to you.
  • Hear about new job opportunities available or post any jobs you may have to share

Berkeley Haas on Linkedin

*If you’d like to join any of our interest or affinity group channels on slack, you must sign up to join our Alumni Slack Workspace. We have listed the channels only.