Professor | George Quist Chair in Business Administration | Director, Institute for Personality and Social Research | Barbara and Gerson Bakar Faculty Fellow
Management of Organizations
Dana R. Carney is a professor at Berkeley Haas and holds the George Quist Chair in Business Administrationan. She is an affiliate of the UC Berkeley Department of Psychology, director of the Institute of Personality and Social Psychology (IPSR), and a Barbara and Gerson Bakar Faculty Fellow. Carney studies social behavior, and she is particularly interested in the behavioral expression of prejudice, political affiliation and engagement, generosity, power, and status. Her work often dives deeply into the most micro aspects of social behavior—nonverbal behavior—and much of her work seeks to uncover what it is we actually do with our bodies and faces when we express prejudice, or status, for example. She has been invited to share her research and teaching at academic conferences, universities, and companies all over the world. To Wall Street, she often instructs on topics related to power, status, corruption, and deception. To biotech, pharma, and tech she instructs on topics related to subtle forms of prejudice and discrimination, teamwork, culture, power, and nonverbal communication. At the National Labs, she instructs on teamwork, diversity, and social networks. Read More
Prior to Berkeley, Carney was an assistant professor of Management at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Business. She has served as Faculty Director for Women in Technology at Berkeley Executive Education.
Carney teaches undergraduates and MBA and Ph.D. students at Berkeley Haas and in the Psychology Department. She has published over 50 research articles, many of which are highly cited and visible in the media and in popular books. In 2011 she received the National Science Foundation’s CAREER award in Social Psychology and in 2010 the Rising Star award from the Association for Psychological Science. Carney received her PhD in social psychology from Northeastern University in 2005 and was a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Psychology at Harvard University until 2008.
Expertise and Research Interests
- Nonverbal Behavior
- Predjudice & Discrimination
- Power and Status
- Social Perception
- Automaticity
- Social Behavior and Market Outcomes
- Carney, D. R.. Power Poses: The state of the effect (or lack thereof). (opens in a new tab). A. Goethals (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Leadership Studies..
(in press) - Mobasseri, S., Stein, D., & Carney, D. R.. Accurately judging strangers’ social network size, composition, and interconnectedness: The phenomenon and a behavioral consequence. (opens in a new tab). Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes.
(in press) - Carney, D.. 10 things every manager should know about nonverbal behavior. (opens in a new tab). California Management Review.
2021 - Carney, D. R.. The nonverbal display of power, status, and dominance. (opens in a new tab). Current Opinion in Psychology.
2020 - Smith, K. W., Krieger, N., Kosheleva, A., Urato, M., Waterman, P. D., Williams, D. R., Carney, D. R., Chen, J. T., Bennett, G., & Freeman, E.. A structural model of social determinants of the metabolic syndrome. (opens in a new tab). Ethnicity & Disease.
2020 - Yip, J. A., Stein, D., Côté, Stéphane, & Carney, D. R.. Follow your gut? Emotional Intelligence moderates the association between physiologically measured somatic markers and risk-taking. (opens in a new tab). Emotion.
2020 - ten Brinke, L., Lee, J. J., & Carney, D. R.. Different physiological reactions when observing lies vs. truths: initial evidence and an intervention to enhance accuracy. (opens in a new tab). Journal of Personality & Social Psychology,.
2019 - Pfeffer, J., & Carney, D. R.. The economic evaluation of time causes stress. (opens in a new tab). Academy of Management Discoveries.
2018 - Hall, J. A., Gunnery, S., Letzring, T., Carney, D. R., & Colvin, C. R.. Accuracy of judging affect and accuracy of judging personality: How and when are they related? (opens in a new tab). Journal of Personality.
2017 - Cesario, J., Jonas, K., & Carney, D. R.. CRSP special issue on power poses: what was the point and what did we learn? (opens in a new tab). Comprehensive Results in Social Psychology.
2017 - ten Brinke, L., Vohs, K., & Carney, D. R.. Can ordinary people detect deception after all? (opens in a new tab). Trends in Cognitive Science.
2016 - Todd Rogers, Leanne ten Brinke, and Dana R. Carney. Unacquainted callers can predict which citizens will vote over and above citizens’ stated self-predictions (opens in a new tab). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
April 2016 - Vacharkulksemsuk, T., Reit, E., Khambatta, P., Eastwick, P., Finkel, E., & Carney, D.. Dominant, open nonverbal displays are attractive at zero-acquaintance (opens in a new tab). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
April 2016 - ten Brinke, L., Lee, J. & Carney, D. R. (. The physiology of (dis)honesty: Is it bad for your health? (opens in a new tab). Current Opinion in Psychology.
2015 - ten Brinke, L., Khambatta, P., & Carney, D. R.. Telling lies in scarce environments. (opens in a new tab). Journal of Experimental Psychology, General.
2015 - Willard, G., Isaac, K. J., & Carney, D. R.. Some evidence for the nonverbal contagion of implicit racial bias. (opens in a new tab). Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes.
2015 - Carney, D. R., Cuddy, A. J. C, & Yap, A. J.. Summary of research on the embodied effects of expansive (vs. contractive) nonverbal displays. (opens in a new tab). Psychological Science.
2015 - ten Brinke, L., & Carney, D. R.. Wanted: direct comparisons of unconscious versus conscious lie detection. (opens in a new tab). Psychological Science.
2014 - ten Brinke, L., Stimson, D., & Carney, D. R.. Some evidence for unconscious lie detection. (opens in a new tab). Psychological Science.
2014 - Krieger N., Waterman, P. D., Kosheleva, A., Chen, J. T., Smith, K. S., Carney, D. R., Bennett, G., Williams, D. R., Thornhill, G., & Freeman, E.. Racial discrimination & cardiovascular disease risk: My Body My Story study of 1005 US-born black and white community health center participants (opens in a new tab). PLoS ONE.
2013 - Yap, A. J., Wazlawek, A., Lucas, B., Cuddy, A. J. C., & Carney, D. R.. The ergonomics of dishonesty: The effect of incidental expansive posture on stealing, cheating and traffic violations. (opens in a new tab). Psychological Science.
- Making entrepreneurs: returns to training youth in hard versus soft business skills. (opens in a new tab)
Yap, A. J., Wazlawek, A., Lucas, B., Cuddy, A. J. C., & Carney, D. R., NBER Working Paper Series. (2021)
At Haas since 2010
- 2022 – present, Professor, Haas School of Business and Department of Psychology, UC Berkeley (Affiliate)
- 2018 – present, Director, Institute for Personality and Social Research
- 2014 – present, Associate Professor, Haas School of Business and Department of Psychology, UC Berkeley (Affiliate)
- 2011 – 2014, Assistant Professor, Haas School of Business and Department of Psychology, UC Berkeley (Affiliate 2012-2014)
- 2008 – 2010, Assistant Professor, Columbia University
- 2005 – 2008, Post-doctoral Fellow, Harvard University (Mind, Brain, and Behavior Fellow 2005-2007)
- Editorial Board, Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology
- Associate Editor: Emotion 2015-2017
- Guest Associate Editor: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2014-current
- Guest Associate Editor: Management Science
- Reviewer: Social Psychological and Personality Science 2011-2012
- Ad hoc reviewer: Administrative Science Quarterly; Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, California Management Review; Journal of Experimental Social Psychology; Journal of Experimental Psychology-General, Emotion; European Journal of Personality; Journal of Nonverbal Behavior; Journal of Personality; Journal of Personality and Social Psychology; Journal of Research in Personality; Journal of Marriage and Family; Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin; Political Psychology; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences; Psychological Science; Social Neuroscience; National Science Foundation; Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes; Perception; Psychoneuroendocrinology; Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.
Barbara and Gerson Bakar Faculty Fellowship, University of California, Berkeley
2018 – present
2014 – 2016
Schwabacher Fellowship, Haas School of Business
2013 – 2014
Hellman Faculty Fellow
2013 – 2014
CAREER Award, National Science Foundation
2011 – 2016
Columbia University Diversity Initiative, Social interaction in zero-sum strategic games
Mind, Brain, and Behavior Postdoctoral Fellowship
American Psychological Association Dissertation Research Award
- UC-Berkeley Haas Shakes Up MBA Core Curriculum (opens in a new tab), Poets & Quants, 08/03/2021
- Hard skills or soft skills for the youth? (opens in a new tab), World Bank Blogs, 06/02/2021
- Turn and face the strange: Why your real self is the most persuasive (opens in a new tab), Muse, 09/09/2019
- Five science-based tips to ace that job interview (opens in a new tab), Entrepreneur, 10/18/2018
- ‘Power Poses’ Don’t Actually Work. Try These Confidence-Boosting Strategies Instead (opens in a new tab), Time Magazine, 09/26/2017
- How the ticking clock kills (opens in a new tab), Forbes India, 08/10/2017
- Forget Facial Expressions and Reputation: 3 Surprising Rules to Sharpen Your Trust Instincts (opens in a new tab), Reader’s Digest, 06/22/2017
- A simple mental trick can help you figure out who’s telling a lie (opens in a new tab), Quartz, 06/13/2017
- 8 signs you’re being lied to (opens in a new tab), Business Insider, 05/15/2017
- Leading People, UGBA 105
- Research in Micro-Organizational Behavior, PhD 259A