Professor | Li Ka Shing Professor of Economics | Professor, School of Public Health | Faculty Director, Institute for Business & Social Impact | Scientific Director, Center for Effective Global Action
Business & Social Impact | Economic Analysis & Policy | Graduate Program in Health Management | Sustainability
Paul Gertler is the Li Ka Shing Professor of Economics at the University of California, Berkeley, where he holds appointments at the Haas School of Business and the School of Public Health. He is the Faculty Director of the Institute for Business & Social Impact, and he is also the Scientific Director of the Center for Effective Global Action. Gertler is an internationally recognized expert in impact evaluation. He was Chief Economist of the Human Development Network of the World Bank from 2004-2007 and the Founding Chair of the Board of Directors of the International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie) from 2009-2012. At the World Bank, he led an effort to institutionalize and scale up impact evaluation for learning what works in human development. At Berkeley he teaches courses in applied impact evaluation at both the graduate and undergraduate levels, as well as in an executive education program for policy-makers. He is the author of the best-selling textbook “Impact Evaluation in Practice” and the recently released second edition, published by The World Bank Press. He has been a Principal Investigator on a large number of at-scale multisite impact evaluations, including Mexico’s CCT program Progresa/Oportunidades and Rwanda’s Health Care Pay-for-Performance scheme. He has published results from impact evaluations extensively in both scientific and policy journals on early childhood development, education, fertility and contraceptive use, health, HIV-AIDS, energy and climate change, housing, job training, poverty alleviation, labor markets, and water and sanitation. He was awarded the Kenneth Arrow Award for best paper in health economics in 1996. He received his PhD in Economics from the University of Wisconsin in 1985, and, prior to UC Berkeley, he held academic appointments at Harvard University, RAND, and SUNY Stony Brook.
Expertise and Research Interests
- Health Economics
- Financial Inclusion
- Poverty Alleviation
- Labor Markets
- Early Childhood Development and Education
- Impact Evaluation
- Paul Gertler, Sebastian Galiani, and Mauricio Romero. How to Make Replication the Norm (opens in a new tab). Nature.
2018 - Sebastian Galiani, Paul J Gertler, and Raimundo Undurraga. The Half-Life of Happiness: Hedonic Adaptation in the Subjective Well-Being of Poor Slum Dwellers to the Satisfaction of Basic Housing Needs (opens in a new tab). Journal of the European Economic Association.
2018 - Bertha Briceño, Aidan Coville, Paul Gertler, and Sebastian Martinez. Are There Synergies from Combining Hygiene and Sanitation Promotion Campaigns: Evidence from a Large-Scale Cluster-Randomized Trial in Rural Tanzania (opens in a new tab). PLoS ONE.
2017 - Pierre Bachas, Paul Gertler, Sean Higgins, and Enrique Seira. Digital Financial Services Reduce Transaction Costs and Improve Financial Inclusion (opens in a new tab). American Economic Association Papers and Proceedings.
2017 - Pablo Celhay, Paul Gertler, Paula Giovagnoli, and Christel Vermeersch. Long-Run Effects of Temporary Incentives on Medical Care Productivity (opens in a new tab). American Economic Journal: Applied Economics.
2017 - Paul Gertler, Rosangela Bando, Francisco Gallego, and Dario Romero. Books or Laptops? The Cost-Effectiveness of Shifting from Printed to Digital Delivery of Educational Content (opens in a new tab). Economics of Education Review.
2017 - Sebastian Galiani, Paul J. Gertler, Raimundo Undurraga, Ryan Cooper, Sebastian Martinez, and Adam Ross. Shelter from the Storm: Upgrading Housing Infrastructure in Latin American Slums (opens in a new tab). Journal of Urban Economics.
2017 - Brian K. Chen, Paul J. Gertler, and Chun-Yuh Yang. Physician Ownership of Complementary Medical Services (opens in a new tab). Journal of Public Economics.
2016 - L Richter, B Daelmand, J Lomdardi, J Heymann, F Lopez Boo, J Behrman, C Lu, J Lucas, R Perez-Escamilla, T Dua, Z Bhutta, K Stenberg, P Gertler, and G Darmstadt. Investing in the Foundation of Sustainable Development: Pathways to Scale for Early Childhood Development (opens in a new tab). The Lancet.
2016 - Sebastian Galiani, Paul Gertler, and Rosangela Bando. Non-Contributory Pensions (opens in a new tab). Labour Economics.
2016 - Paul Gertler, Orie Shelef, Catherine Wolfram, and Alan Fuch. The Demand for Energy-Using Assets Among the World’s Rising Middle Classes (opens in a new tab). American Economic Review.
2016 - Lucas Davis and Paul Gertler. Contribution of Air Conditioning Adoption to Future Energy Use Under Global Warming (opens in a new tab). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA.
2015 - Damien de Walque, Paul J. Gertler, Sergio Bautista-Arredondo, Ada Kwan, Christel Vermeerschd, Jean de Dieu Bizimana , Agnès Binagwaho, and Jeanine Condo. Using Provider Performance Incentives to Increase HIV Testing and Counseling Services in Rwanda (opens in a new tab). Journal of Health Economics.
2014 - Paul Gertler, James Manley, and Lia Fernald. Wealthy, Healthy and Wise: Does Money Compensate for Being Born into Difficult Conditions? (opens in a new tab). Applied Economics Letters.
2014 - Paul Gertler, James Heckman, Rodrigo Pinto, Arianna Zanolini, Christel Vermeersch, Susan Walker, Susan M. Chang, and Sally Grantham-McGregor. Labor Market Returns to an Early Childhood Stimulation Intervention in Jamaica (opens in a new tab). Science.
2014 - Sumeet R. Patil, Benjamin F. Arnold, Alicia L. Salvatore, Bertha Briceno, Sandipan Ganguly, John M. Colford Jr., Paul J. Gertler. The Effect of India’s Total Sanitation Campaign on Defecation Behaviors and Child Health in Rural Madhya Pradesh: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial (opens in a new tab). PLoS Med.
2014 - Lucas W. Davis, Alan Fuchs, and Paul Gertler. Cash for Coolers: Evaluating a Large-Scale Appliance Replacement Program in Mexico (opens in a new tab). American Economic Journal: Economic Policy.
2014 - Paul Gertler, Sharon Poczter, and Alexander D. Rothenberg. Financial Crisis and Productivity Evolution: Evidence from Indonesia (opens in a new tab). The World Economy.
At Haas since 1996
1996 – present, Li Ka Shing Professor of Economics, Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley
1996 – present, Professor, School of Public Health, UC Berkeley
2010 – present, Scientific Director, Center for Effective Global Action, UC Berkeley
2012 – 2013, Director, Clausen Center for International Economics and Policy, UC Berkeley
2010 – 2012, Founding Chair, Board of Directors, International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie), New Delhi, India
2000 – 2012, Director, Graduate Program in Health Management, UC Berkeley
2008 – 2011, Director, Institute of Business and Economics Research, UC Berkeley
2004 – 2006, Chief Economist, Human Development Network, The World Bank
1994 – 1996, Visiting Professor, Department of Economics, Harvard University
1988 – 1996, Senior Economist, RAND, Santa Monica, CA
1986 – 1988, Assistant Professor, Department of Health Policy and Management, Harvard University
1983 – 1986, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, SUNY Stony Brook
1978 – 1980, Analyst, Office of Health Economics, Department of Health, State of Wisconsin
- Member, American Economic Association
- Member, American Public Health Association
- Member, Econometric Society
- Member, Health Economics Research Organization
- Faculty Research Associate, National Bureau of Economic Research
- Founding Member, International Health Economics Association
Honorary Doctorate, Erasmus University, The Netherlands
Committee on Teaching Excellence (CoTE) Award, UC Berkeley
Juan Jose Bobadilla Medal for Global Health
Research Medal, Global Development Network
Academic Leadership Award, National Institutes of Health
Kenneth Arrow Award, International Health Economics Association
- Pilot | Crypto wallet and remittance service for unbanked Venezuelan refugees (opens in a new tab), Medium, 10/13/2021
- One Way to Tackle Extreme Poverty: Replace Dirt Floors (opens in a new tab), Bloomberg, 08/20/2021
- Demand for air conditioning is set to surge by 2050 (opens in a new tab), The Economist, 08/10/2021
- A Covid-19 Silver Lining in Latin America: Millions of New Bank Accounts (opens in a new tab), The Wall Street Journal, 06/24/2021
- Testing financial innovations: Increasing loan repayment using digital collateral (opens in a new tab), VoxDev, 06/18/2021
- A New Approach to Lending in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (opens in a new tab), National Bureau of Economic Research, 06/03/2021
- Hard skills or soft skills for the youth? (opens in a new tab), World Bank Blogs, 06/02/2021
- How Debit Cards Are Helping Low-Income Households Save—and Benefiting Their Neighbors Too (opens in a new tab), Quirus, 04/22/2021
- Promoting Parental Involvement in Schools (opens in a new tab), Future-Ed, 12/04/2020
- Announcing the winners of the Economic Impact of Digital Technologies request for proposals (opens in a new tab), Facebook Research, 08/24/2020
- Gender-Differentiated Credit Scoring: A Potential Game-Changer for Women (opens in a new tab), Financial Alliance for Women, 02/27/2020
- Predicting global air conditioning demand, by nation (opens in a new tab), Energy Post, 12/12/2019
- Turning kids into entrepreneurs (opens in a new tab), BBC, 12/03/2019
- There’s an easy way to make lending fairer for women. Trouble is, it’s illegal. (opens in a new tab), MIT Technology Review, 11/15/2019
- New, Strong Evidence For Problem-Based Learning (opens in a new tab), Forbes, 10/29/2019