Associate Dean of the Division of Social Sciences
Management of Organizations
Expertise and Research Interests
- Comparative gender inequality in the workplace
- Hiring
- Promotions
- Wages
- Quantitative methods
- “Endogeneity,” in International Encyclopedia in the Social Sciences. Blackwell Publishers, 2001
- “The Gender Wage Gap: Unequal Pay for the Same Work,” in Social Stratification, A Reader, edited by David Grusky. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 2000.
- “Offering a Job: Meritocracy and Social Networks,” with Ishak Saporta and Marc-David Seidel. American Journal of Sociology 106, no. 3 (November 2000).
- “More Glory and Less Injustice: The Class Ceiling in Sweden 1970-1990,” with Eva Meyersson. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 17 (1999): 199-261.
- “Organizational Structure, Determinants of Promotion, and Gender Differences in Attainment,” with Seymour Spilerman. Social Science Research 28 (1999): 203-227.
- “Within-Job Wage Discrimination and the Gender Wage Gap, The Case of Norway,” with Vemund Snartland, Lars-Erik Becken, and Karen Modesta Olsen. European Sociological Review 13, no. 2: 199-213.
- “Lika lon for lika arbete,” (in Swedish), with Eva Meyersson and Trond Petersen, in Kvinnorsoch mansloner – varfor sa olika? SOU no. 136 (1997): 104-125.
At Haas since 1988
1988 – present, Professor, UC Berkeley
1996 – 1997, Professor, University of Oslo, Norway
1992 – 1993, Professor, University of Oslo, Norway
1985 – 1998, Professor, Harvard University
1976 – 1988, Assistant Professor, Harvard University
- Member: American, British, Norwegian and Scandinavian Sociological Associations
- Member: Population Association of America; American Statistical Association; Norwegian Economic Association; American Economic Association; Economic Association; Econometric Society; Academy of Management
- Deputy Editor, American Sociological Review
- Editorial Board: Administrative Science Quarterly; American Journal of Sociology; Sociological Methods and Research; Sociological Methodology; Acta Sociologica; Rationality and Society; Tidsskrifr for Samfunnsforskning; Research in Social Stratification and Mobility
- Earl F. Cheit Award for Excellence in Teaching, PhD Program, 1992, 1994
- Elected Member to Sociological Research Association
- Social Stratification, Soc 130
- Class and Social Stratification, Soc 280G