Assistant Professor
Entrepreneurship & Innovation | Management of Organizations
Researcher focused on inequality in business performance
Solène Delecourt is an assistant professor in the Management of Organizations Group at the Haas School of Business. She earned her PhD at the Stanford Graduate School of Business. She also holds a master’s degree in Economics and Public Policy from Sciences Po Paris and École Polytechnique. Read More
Delecourt studies inequality in business performance using large-scale field experiments and novel survey data. Her research agenda focuses on what drives variation in profits across firms and how we could reduce inequality in business performance among entrepreneurs in different market settings, including India, Uganda, and the US. She has received many research grants in competitive funding. Her work has appeared in the Strategic Management Journal and Management Science and has been covered by news outlets such as the Wall Street Journal.
Expertise and Research Interests
- Business Performance
- Entrepreneurship
- Discrimination
- Field experiments
- Management
- Guilbeault, D., Delecourt, S., Hull, T. et al. Online images amplify gender bias. (opens in a new tab) Nature. 2024
- Best Paper Prize at the 2022 International Conference on Computational Social Scienc
- Semi-finalist at the Wharton People Analytics Competition, 2021
- Hart, Chloe; Townsend, Charlotte; and Delecourt, Solène. Who believes gender research? How readers’ gender shapes the evaluation of gender research. Social Psychology Quarterly (accepted). 2024.
- Delecourt, Solène and Fitzpatrick, Anne. Childcare Matters: Female Business Owners and the Baby-Profit Gap (opens in a new tab). Management Science. 2021.
- Chatterji, Aaron; Delecourt, Solène; Hasan, Sharique; and Koning, Rembrand. When does advice impact startup performance? (opens in a new tab). Strategic Management Journal.
November 2018
- “The Uneven Impact of Generative AI on Entrepreneurial Performance, (opens in a new tab)” by Nicholas G. Otis, Rowan Clarke, Solène Delecourt, David Holtz, Rembrand Koning.
- Winner of the Wharton People Analytics Competition, 2024
- AOM best paper designation, STR Division (AOM 2024)
- Nominated for the Carolyn B. Dexter Award (AOM 2024)
- Nominated for Research Methods Paper Prize at the Strategic Management Society Annual Conference (2024)
- “Equalizing business characteristics can close the gender gap in micro-business performance,” by Solène Delecourt and Odyssia Ng.
- “Increasing the performance of women-owned businesses through time-saving services: A field experiment,’ by Solène Delecourt and Ashley Whillans.
At Haas since 2020
- 2020-present, Assistant Professor, Management of Organizations Group, Haas School of Business
- French
- Earl F. Cheit Award for Teaching Excellence, Full-time MBA Program, May 2024
- Best-40-Under-40 MBA Professor (opens in a new tab),” Poets & Quants, May 2024
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
Managing Science: Evidence from a Randomized Control Trial ($250,000)
2023 (PI, Kris Gulati, Rem Koning, and Kyle Myers)
Center for Equity, Gender, and Leadership
UC Berkeley, Haas School of Business
Stanford Center for International Development
Stanford University
2018-2019 (with Odyssia Ng)
BRAC-CEGA Travel Grant, Center for Effective Global Action
UC Berkeley
2018-2019 (with Odyssia Ng)
Weiss Family Program Fund for Research in Development Economics
Harvard University
2017-2018 (with Odyssia Ng)
Global Policy Fellows Research Grant, The Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies
Stanford University
2017-2018 (with Odyssia Ng)
Diversity Dissertation Research Opportunity, Vice Provost for Graduate Education
Stanford University
2017-2018 (with Odyssia Ng)
Weiss Family Program Fund for Research in Development Economics
Harvard University
2017-2018 (with Odyssia Ng)
George P. Shultz Graduate Student Fellowship in Economic Policy
Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research
2017-2018 (with Odyssia Ng)
Graduate Research Opportunity, School of Humanities and Sciences
Stanford University
2017-2018 (with Odyssia Ng)
George P. Shultz Graduate Student Fellowship in Economic Policy
Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research
2016-2017 (with Odyssia Ng)
Enhancing Diversity in Graduate Education Doctoral Fellowship, Research & Conference Travel Award, Vice Provost for Graduate Education
Stanford University
PhD I-Award
Stanford Institute for Innovation in Developing Economies
Diversity Dissertation Research Opportunity, Vice Provost for Graduate Education
Stanford University
Global Policy Fellows Research Grant, The Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies
Stanford University
Graduate Student Research Fellowship, Center for South Asia
Stanford University
- 2024 Best-40-Under-40 MBA Professors (opens in a new tab), Poets & Quants, 5/20/2024.
- Gender bias is more exaggerated in online images than in text (opens in a new tab), Nature News & Notes, 2/14/2024.
- Pictures on the internet show dramatic gender bias, study finds – and could change how people think (opens in a new tab),The Independent, 2/14/2024. (Also in Yahoo! News (opens in a new tab), NBC Right Now (opens in a new tab), The National Times Australia (opens in a new tab), and others).
- Online images reinforce gender stereotypes more than text: study (opens in a new tab), Agence France-Press, 2/14/24. (also in El País (opens in a new tab), Libération (opens in a new tab), France24 (opens in a new tab))
- When Field Research Goes Awry (opens in a new tab), Stanford Graduate School of Business, 05/29/2019.
- Real Time Economics: The U.S. Housing Market Is Stuck In a Rut (opens in a new tab), Wall Street Journal, 07/24/2018.
- New Research Shows 4 Unexpected Factors You Should Keep in Mind When Asking for Advice (opens in a new tab), Inc. 7/31/2018.
- Successful startup founders share one essential leadership style (opens in a new tab), Quartz, 10/18/2017.
- Learning to Manage: A Field Experiment in the Indian Startup Ecosystem (opens in a new tab), Harvard Business School, 06/19/2017.
- Negotiations, FTMBA