Professor | Michael Chetkovich Chair in Accounting | Distinguished Teaching Fellow
Expertise and Research Interests
- Financial Statement Analysis
- Asset Pricing
- Accounting and Finance
- Stephen Penman, Xiao-Jun Zhang. A Theoretical Analysis Connecting Conservative Accounting to the Cost of Capital. Journal of Accounting and Economics (forthcoming).
2019 - Minyue Dong, Xiao-Jun Zhang. Selective Trading of Available-for-Sale Securities: Evidence from U.S. Commercial Banks. European Accounting Review.
2018 - Peter Easton, Xiao-Jun Zhang. Mixing Fair-Value and Historical-Cost Accounting: Predictable Other-Comprehensive Income and Mispricing of Bank Stocks (opens in a new tab). Review of Accounting Studies.
2017 - Shai Levi, Xiao-Jun Zhang. Asymmetric Decrease in Liquidity Trading Before Earnings Announcements and the Announcement Return Premium (opens in a new tab). Journal of Financial Economics.
2015 - Shai Levi, Xiao-Jun Zhang. Do Temporary Increases in Information Asymmetry Affect the Cost of Equity? (opens in a new tab). Management Science.
2014 - Minyue Dong, Stephen Ryan, Xiao-Jun Zhang. Preserving Amortized Costs within a Fair-Value-Accounting Framework: Reclassification of Gains and losses on Available-for-Sale Securities upon Realization (opens in a new tab). Review of Accounting Studies.
2014 - Xiao-Jun Zhang. Book-to-Market Ratio and Skewness of Stock Return (opens in a new tab). The Accounting Review.
2013 - Xiao-Jun Zhang. Information Relevance, Reliability, and Disclosure (opens in a new tab). Review of Accounting Studies.
2012 - Xiao-Jun Zhang and Qintao Fan. Accounting Conservatism, Aggregation, and Information Quality (opens in a new tab). Contemporary Accounting Research.
2012 - Xiao-Jun Zhang and Haifeng You. Financial Reporting Complexity and Investor Under-reaction to 10-K Information (opens in a new tab). Review of Accounting Studies.
2009 - Xiao-Jun Zhang and Pierre Jinghong Liang. Accounting Treatment of Inherent versus Incentive Uncertainties and the Capital Structure of the Firm (opens in a new tab). Journal of Accounting Research.
2006 - Xiao-Jun Zhang and Stephen H. Penman. Accounting Conservatism, Quality of Earnings, and Stock Returns (opens in a new tab). The Accounting Review.
At Haas since 1998
2015 – present, Michael Chetkovich Professor of Accounting, Haas School of Business
2012 – present, member, China Academy for Financial Research (CAFR)
2002 – 2015, E.R. Niemela Associate Professor of Accounting, Haas School of Business
1998 – 2002, Assistant Professor, Haas School of Business
- Associated Editor, Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Finance
- Editorial Board, Review of Accounting Studies
- Reviewer: Referee for Contemporary Accounting Research, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, Journal of Accounting Research, Review of Accounting Studies, The Accounting Review
Poets and Quants List of Favorite Professors of Executive MBAs
Earl F. Cheit Award for Excellence in Teaching, EWMBA
2017 – 2018
Earl F. Cheit Award for Excellence in Teaching, EWMBA
2014 – 2015
Schwabacher Fellowship, Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley
Junior Faculty Research Grant, UC Berkeley
1999, 2000
Research Enabling Grant, UC Berkeley
1998 – 2001
Grant, Jerome A. Chazen Institute of International Business
- Financial Accounting, Executive, MBA 202, MBA 202, Evening & Weekend MBA 202, UGBA 202
- Doctoral Research Seminar, PHDBA 229