Soloman P. Lee Chair Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Business Ethics | Professor Emeritus, Political Science Department | Editor, California Management Review
Business & Public Policy
David Vogel is the Soloman Lee Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Business Ethics at Berkeley Haas and Professor Emeritus of Political Science. He has written extensively on both environmental management and government regulation. Read More
In 2017, he received the Elinor Ostrom Award from the American Political Science Association in recognition of his lifetime contribution to the study of environmental policy. His latest book “California Greenin’: How the Golden State Became an Environmental Leader” (Princeton University Press, 2018) is the first comprehensive history of California’s leadership and innovation in environmental regulation. Other books include: “The Politics of Precaution: Regulating, Health, Safety and Environmental Risks in Europe and the United States” (Princeton University Press, 2012); “Global Challenges in Responsible Business” (Cambridge University Press, 2010); and “The Market for Virtue: The Potential and Limits of Corporate Social Responsibility” (Brookings, 2005).
Since 1982, Vogel has served as editor of Berkeley Haas management journal, The California Management Review. He has taught classes and lectured on environment management in the U.S., Europe and Asia.
Expertise and Research Interests
- Environmental Politics and Policy
- Global Corporate Social Responsibility
- History of Regulatory Policy Innovation in California
- Politics of Health, Safety, and Environmental Regulation
- Consumer and Environmental Regulation in the Global Economy
- David Vogel. California Greenin’: How the Golden State Became an Environmental Leader (opens in a new tab). Princeton University Press.
April 2018 - David Vogel, Vinod Aggarwal, and Kristi Govella. Global Trade Linkages: National Security and Human Security (opens in a new tab). Linking Trade and Security; Evolving Institutions and Strategies in Asia, Europe, and the United States,.
2013 - David Vogel. The Politics of Precaution: Regulating Health, Safety and Environmental Risks in Europe and the United States (opens in a new tab). Princeton University Press.
2012 - David Vogel and James O’Toole. Two and One-Half Cheers for Conscious Capitalism (opens in a new tab). California Management Review.
2011 - Edited by David Vogel and S and Johan Swinnen. Transatlantic Regulatory Cooperation The Shifting Roles of the EU, the US and California (opens in a new tab). Edward Elgar Publishing.
2011 - Edited by David Vogel, Craig Smith, C.B. Bhattacherya, David Levine). Global Challenges in Responsible Business. Cambridge University Press.
2010 - Edited by Christopher Ansell and David Vogel. What’s the Beef? The Contested Governance of European Food Safety (opens in a new tab). MIT Press.
2006 - David Vogel. The Market for Virtue: The Potential and Limits of Corporate Social Responsibility (opens in a new tab). Brookings Institution Press,.
2005 - David Vogel and R. Daniel Kelemen. Trading Places: The Role of the US and the EU in International Environmental Policies. Comparative Political Studie.
2010 - David Vogel. How Green is Judaism? An Exploration of Jewish Environmental Ethics. Business Ethics Quarterly.
At Haas since 1973
2016 – present, Soloman P. Lee Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Business Ethics; Professor Emeritus of Political Science, UC Berkeley
2009 – 2015, Soloman P. Lee Distinguished Professor of Business Ethics
1984 – present, Professor, Haas School of Business
Visiting Positions
European University Institute
Hebrew University
London Business School
Stanford University
Bren School, U.C. Santa Barbara
- 1982 – present, Editor, California Management Review
- 2009 – present, International Research Fellow, Oxford University Centre for Corporate Reputation
- Associate editor, Regulation and Governance, 2009 – 2011; Executive board, 2011- present
- Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Policy History, Business and Politics, Journal of Public Affairs, Labor History, Ethique. Journal of Risk Research
- Member, Scientific Committee, Italian Center for Corporate Responsibilty
- Member, Advisory Committee, International Network of Research on Organizations and Sustainable Development, France
- American Political Science Association: Trust and Development Board (2010-2012); elected Council Member (2004-2006); ,Gladys M. Krammerer Award Committee (1986); Best Paper Award Committee (1990); James Madison Award Committee (1991); Harold D. Lasswell Award Committee (2000); Hubert Humphrey Award Committee (2003)
- Moderator, Aspen Institute Seminars, 1995, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2009
Elinor Ostrom Career Achievement Award
International Association for the Study of the Commons (IASC)
The Politics of Precaution, Charles H. Levine Memorial Book Prize
International Political Science Association
The Politics of Precaution, Best Book Award
Organizations and the Natural Environment Division, Academy of Management
Faculty Pioneer Award for Lifetime Achievement
Business and Society Program, Aspen Institute
The Market for Virtue: Best Book Award
Social Issues Division, Academy of Management
- California promises fight to keep auto emission authority (opens in a new tab), ABC News, 09/19/2019
- Kochs downplay politics to find common ground in liberal Silicon Valley (opens in a new tab), Bloomberg, 09/05/2019
- California Greenin’ (opens in a new tab), No Jargon (audio link), 09/20/2018
- Heavy hitters on climate change converge on San Francisco, with Gov. Jerry Brown as host (opens in a new tab), CALMatters, 09/07/2018
- Opinion: The Trump administration wants to end California’s role as an environmental innovator (opens in a new tab), Los Angeles Times, 08/28/2018
- Why California goes its own way on the environment (opens in a new tab), Bloomberg, 07/29/2018
- David Vogel on California Greenin’ (opens in a new tab), Princeton University Press, 05/10/2018
- How California turned green into gold (opens in a new tab), San Francisco Chronicle, 04/26/2018
- The Tipping Point: Can American Institutions Be Saved? (opens in a new tab), California Magazine, 01/23/2018
- In Trump era, US automakers seek balance between jobs, profits (opens in a new tab), The Christian Science Monitor, 01/25/2017
- Trump has a great opportunity to save our environment (opens in a new tab), The Hill, 01/23/2017
- What You Need to Know About Socially Responsible Investing (opens in a new tab), Inc., 06/01/2016
- Ethics and Responsibility in Business, MBA/EWMBA
- Public and Private Global Business Regulation, Political Science