Our Purpose

The Tusher Strategic Initiative for Technology Leadership (TSI) engages in research, education, and outreach on innovation strategy, policy, and geopolitics focused on both firm and national competitiveness. TSI activities are animated by the recognition that technology leadership will determine economic competitiveness and national security in the 21st century. Our current innovation focus is centered on Industry 4.0 technologies that are driving industry transformation and global technology competition. We view leadership at both the strategy and policy level, including geopolitics, and believe that successful strategies and policies require an interdisciplinary approach at the interface of business, technology, and law.

Our Goals

The main goals of the Tusher Strategic Initiative for Technology Leadership are linked to its four core programs: (1) The development of new technology governance frameworks for both industry and government adjusted for the modern era of great power competition, (2) The development of innovation-driven theories, tools, and processes to inform competition policy for a dynamic world, (3) The development of intellectual property strategies and policies that support technology leadership and sustainable competitive advantage, and (4) the development of interdisciplinary education and innovative tools to help bring cutting-edge technology to the market and society.

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