Berkeley Haas faculty members have a strong tradition of serving in federal and state government, advising public sector decision-makers at the highest levels.
Faculty members serving in the federal government

Janet Yellen
Secretary of the Treasury, U.S. Department of the Treasury
2014–2018, Chair, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
2010–2014, Vice Chair, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
2004–2010, President and CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
1997–1999, Chair, President’s Council of Economic Advisers
1994–1997, Member, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System
1977–1978, Economist, Division of International Finance, Trade and Financial Studies Section, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Faculty members’ past federal government service

Severin Borenstein
2019–present, Member, California ISO Board of Governors
2015–2017, Chair, Petroleum Market Advisory Committee, California Energy Commission
2012–2013, Member, Emissions Market Assessment Committee, California Air Resources Board
2010–2013, Member, U.S. Department of Energy, National Petroleum Council, Future of Transportation Fuels Working Group
2010–2011, Member, U.S. Department of Transportation, Future of Aviation Advisory Committee
1999–2000, Member, California Attorney General’s Gasoline Task Force
1997–2003, Member, Governing Board of California Power Exchange Corporation (a non-profit, public benefits corporation established by the State of California)
1978–1979, Staff Economist, Office of Economic Analysis, US Civil Aeronautics Board

Michael Katz
2001–2003, Deputy Assistant Attorney General for Economic Analysis, US Dept. of Justice – Antitrust Division
1994–1996, Chief Economist, Federal Communications Commission

Jonathan Leonard
1989, Senior Economist, President’s Council of Economic Advisers

David I. Levine
1994–1995, Senior Economist, President’s Council of Economic Advisers

Adair Morse
Deputy Assistant Secretary of Capital Access
Office of Domestic Finance, U.S. Department of the Treasury
(On leave from UC Berkeley)

Carl Sharpiro
2011–2012, Member, President’s Council of Economic Advisers
2009–2011, Deputy Assistant Attorney General for Economics, Antitrust Division, U.S. Department of Justice
1995–1996, Deputy Assistant Attorney General for Economics, Antitrust Division, U.S. Department of Justice

Laura Tyson
2020–present, Co-chair, California Governor’s Council of Economic Advisors
2016–2017, President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, Semiconductor Working Group
2011–2013, Member, U.S. Department of State, Foreign Affairs Policy Board
2011–2013, Member, President Obama’s Council on Jobs and Competitiveness
2009–2011, President’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board
1995–1996, Chair, National Economic Council, Executive office of the President of the United States of America
1993–1995, Chair, White House Council of Economic Advisers

James Wilcox
1999–2001, Chief Economist, Office of the Comptroller of Currency
1991–92, Economist, Federal Reserve Board
1990–1991, Senior Economist, President’s Council of Economic Advisors