6 keys to creating a more sustainable supply chain

Pre-pandemic, the worldwide system of getting products where they need to go seemed to be working. Goods were produced where they could be made most cheaply: A pair of shoes might be assembled in Vietnam using leather from Brazil, polyester from China, and rubber from Malaysia before being shipped t…

Demystifying DeFi: Prof. Christine Parlour talks decentralized finance

If you haven’t been paying attention to the explosive growth of decentralized finance, otherwise known as DeFi, now is a good time to start. DeFi refers to the rapidly expanding ecosystem that enables the provision of financial products and services—including trading, lending, borrowing, insu…

Most effective COVID-19 testing policies should vary based on demand

With months to go in the mass rollout of COVID-19 vaccines, testing is still critical to control the surging pandemic. Yet with testing capacity still limited in some areas, health authorities have struggled with how to catch the most cases: Test on a first-come, first-served basis, or prioritize te…

Expert available: 5G security risks and benefits

Ready or not, 5G is coming soon to your phone—bringing lightning speed and a new world of applications, many of which are yet to be imagined. Yet along with that comes concerns about cybersecurity, data privacy, and consumer health. Sorting out the hype and rumor from the facts about 5G is a cha…

Pre-election polls are only 60% accurate, study finds

How confident should you be in election polls? Not nearly as confident as the pollsters claim, according to a new Berkeley Haas study by Prof. Don Moore and former student Aditya Kotak, BA 20. Most election polls report a 95% confidence level. Yet an analysis of 1,400 polls from 11 election cycl…

Study: Being a selfish jerk doesn’t get you ahead

The evidence is in: Nice guys and gals don’t finish last and being a selfish jerk doesn’t get you ahead. That’s the clear conclusion from research that tracked disagreeable people—those with selfish, combative, manipulative personalities—from college or graduate school to where they la…

Job stress takes a heavy toll on CEO lifespans, study finds

You can literally see the lines of stress appear on the face of James Donald, CEO of Starbucks, from 2005 to 2008. Before becoming CEO, he more or less looked his age of 50, with dark hair and just the hint of crow’s feet around his eyes. By the time he left after the financial crisis of 2007–20…