Spring 2009

Last Updated: May 15, 2009

The seminars are scheduled every Thursday from 4:10-5:40 pm in Room C220 Cheit Hall (except for May 13). These seminars are free and are open to the public.

March 12 Thursday

Lasse Pedersen (New York University)
Dynamic Trading with Predictable Returns and Transaction Costs (with Nicolae Gârleanu, UC Berkeley) (pdf file)

March 19 Thursday

Adam Szeidl (UC Berkeley)
Fishing for Fools (with Ulrike Malmendier, UC Berkeley) (pdf file)

March 26 Thursday

No Seminar — Spring Break

April 2 Thursday

Hongjun Yan (Yale University)
Nickels versus Black Swans: Reputation, Trading Strategies and Asset Prices (with Steven Malliaris, Yale University) (pdf file)

April 9 Thursday

Tano Santos (Columbia University)
Outside and Inside Liquidity (with Patrick Bolton, Columbia University; and Jose Scheinkman, Princeton University) (pdf file)

April 16 Thursday

Laura Veldkamp (New York University)
Leadership, Coordination and Mission-Driven Management (with Patrick Bolton, Columbia University; and Markus Brunnermeier, Princeton University) (pdf file)

April 23 Thursday

David Matsa (Northwestern University)
Growing Out of Trouble? Managerial Responses to Risk of Corporate Liability (with Todd Gormley, Washington University, St. Louis) (pdf file)

April 30 Thursday

Amit Seru (University of Chicago)
The Failure of Models that Predict Failure: Distance, Incentives and Defaults (with Uday Rajan, University of Michigan; and Vikrant Vig, London Business School) (pdf file)

May 7 Thursday

Shawn Cole (Harvard University)
Default and Punishment: Incentive and Lending Behavior in Indian Banks (with Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo, Massachusetts Institute of Technology) – Revised paper (pdf file)


Joint Stanford-Berkeley Seminar at Berkeley
2:30-5:40 pm – Room C210 Cheit Hall

2:30-3:30 pm Ian Martin, Stanford, The Valuation of Long-Dated Assets (pdf file)
3:30-3:50 pm Discussant: Johan Walden, Berkeley
3:50-4:20 pm Break
4:20-5:20 pm Marcus Opp, Berkeley, Rating Agencies in the Face of Regulation: Rating Inflation and Regulatory Arbitrage (with Christian Opp, University of Chicago) (pdf file)
5:20-5:40 pm Discussant: Anat Admati, Stanford

May 21 Thursday

Matthew Spiegel (Yale University)
Dynamic Corporate Capital Stocks: Cross-sectional and Inter-temporal Stock Return Patterns (with Jacob Sagi, Vanderbilt University; and Masahiro Watanabe, Rice University) (pdf file)
Room C220 Cheit – 4:10-5:40 pm

May 28 Thursday — CANCELLED

Thomas Philippon (New York University)

For more information about the Finance Seminars, please contact June Wong, faculty assistant, at (510)642-1499 or e-mail her: [email protected].

Faculty Coordinator, Spring Seminars: Professor Christine Parlour