Upcoming Events

NY Times writer David Leonhardt &
Nobel Laureate Richard Thaler
A conversation featuring Pulitzer-prize winning writer David Leonhardt (opens in a new tab) of The New York Times and behavioral economics pioneer and Nobel Laureate Richard Thaler (opens in a new tab) of the University of Chicago Booth School of Business.
Fireside chat led by Professor Ulrike Malmendier
Co-sponsored by the Robert G. and Sue Douthit O’Donnell Center for Behavioral Economics
Tuesday, April 2
Spieker Forum
Haas School of Business
Watch the conversation here on YouTube! (opens in a new tab)
New Thinking at Berkeley Haas
The New Thinking at Berkeley Haas series was hosted by faculty to highlight cutting-edge, high-level thinking and analysis on a range of topics around business, economics, and inclusion—during the coronavirus pandemic and beyond. Talks featured leading faculty from Berkeley Haas, UC Berkeley, and other academic institutions and thought leaders.
Lectures were streamed live via YouTube, and viewers may submit questions via chat. The link to view past talks will be posted with each event topic.

The Cost of Racism
A conversation with Dr. Lisa Cook (opens in a new tab), Professor of Economics & International Relations, Michigan State University
Led by Dr. Laura Tyson, Distinguished Professor of the Graduate School & Former Dean, Berkeley Haas
Thursday, March 18, 2021
Watch video of the conversation with Dr. Lisa Cook (opens in a new tab)

A Global Perspective on Building a Sustainable, Equitable, and Resilient Recovery by Mobilizing Capital Markets
A conversation with Jingdong Hua, Vice President and Treasurer of the World Bank
Led by Ann E. Harrison, Bank of America Dean, Haas School of Business
Thursday, February 25
Watch video of the conversation with Jingdong Hua (opens in a new tab)

Jerks, Narcissists, and Their Impact on Organizations
A conversation with Profs. Cameron Anderson & Jennifer A. Chatman about their recent research on these toxic personality types—and what managers show know.
Led by Prof. Don A. Moore, Lorraine Tyson Mitchell Chair in Leadership and Communication
January 21, 2021
Watch video of the conversation with Cameron Anderson and Jennifer Chatman (opens in a new tab)

The Economic Consequences of COVID-19
- Pierre-Olivier Gournichas (Moderator), S.K. and Angela Chan Professor of Global Management at Berkeley Haas and Professor of Economics in the UC Berkeley Department of Economics
- Mitu Gulati (opens in a new tab), Professor of Law at University of Virginia
- Hilary Hoynes (opens in a new tab), Professor of Economics and Public Policy at UC Berkeley
- Sebnem Kalemi-Ozcan, Neil Moskowitz Professor of Economics and Finance at University of Maryland
- Maurice Obstfeld (opens in a new tab), Class of 1958 Professor of Economics at UC Berkeley
Co-Sponsored by Social Science Matrix and Clausen Center for International Business and Policy
December 3, 2020
Watch video of the Economic Consequences conversation (opens in a new tab)

Behavior Change for Good in a Pandemic: Insights from Economics and Psychology
A conversation with Katherine L. Milkman, Professor of Operations, Information, and Decisions at The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.
Led by Prof. Don A. Moore, Lorraine Tyson Mitchell Chair in Leadership and Communication
November 12, 2020
Watch the video of the conversation between Don Moore and Katy Milkman (opens in a new tab)

Is Corporate Social Responsibility a Competitive Advantage?
A conversation with Prof. Ross Levine, Willis H. Booth Chair in Banking and Finance at Berkeley Haas, about his research finding that CSR is an effective competitive strategy.
Led by Laura Tyson, Distinguished Professor of the Graduate School & Former Dean, Berkeley Haas
October 29, 2020
Watch video of the conversation between Ross Levine and Laura Tyson (opens in a new tab)

How Impact Investment and Entrepreneurship are Reshaping Capitalism
A conversation with venture capitalist, philanthropist, and social innovator Sir Ronald Cohen (opens in a new tab), Chairman, Global Steering Group for Impact Investment.
Led by Berkeley Haas Assoc. Prof. Adair Morse, faculty director for the Sustainable & Impact Finance Initiative and Soloman P. Lee Chair in Business Ethics
October 8, 2020
Watch video of the conversation between Sir Ronald Cohen and Adair Morse (opens in a new tab)

Poor Decision Making and the COVID-19 Crisis
A conversation with Julia Galef, Co-founder of the Center for Applied Rationality.
Led by Prof. Don A. Moore, Lorraine Tyson Mitchell Chair in Leadership and Communication
October 1, 2020
Watch video of the conversation between Julia Galef and Don Moore (opens in a new tab)

How the COVID-19 Crisis Will Influence Trust in Science and Political Institutions
A conversation with Barry Eichengreen, George C. Pardee and Helen N. Pardee Professor of Economics and Political Science, UC Berkeley.
Led by Prof. Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas, S.K. and Angela Chan Professor of Global Management, Haas School of Business; Director, Clausen Center for International Business and Policy
September 17, 2020
Watch video of the conversation between Barry Eichengreen and Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas

The Public Policy Response to the COVID-19 Crisis
A conversation with Hillary Hoynes (opens in a new tab), Professor of Public Policy & Economics and Haas Distinguished Chair in Economic Disparities.
Led by Ann E. Harrison, Bank of America Dean, Haas School of Business
September 3, 2020
Watch video of the conversation between Hillary Hoynes and Ann Harrison

Unemployment, Inequality, and the Policy Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
A conversation with Jesse Rothstein (opens in a new tab), UC Berkeley Professor of Public Policy & Economics and Faculty Director, California Policy Lab.
Led by Laura Tyson, Distinguished Professor of the Graduate School & Former Dean, Berkeley Haas
August 20, 2020
Watch video of the conversation between Jesse Rothstein and Laura Tyson

How Can Leaders Cultivate Grit, Persistence, and Optimism During the Pandemic?
A conversation with Angela Duckworth (opens in a new tab), Professor of Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania.
Led by Prof. Don A. Moore, Lorraine Tyson Mitchell Chair in Leadership and Communication
August 6, 2020
Watch video of the conversation between Angela Duckworth and Don Moore

Probabilistic Thinking in the Age of the Coronavirus
A conversation with Annie Duke (opens in a new tab), Author, Decision Strategist & Poker Champion.
Conversation led by Prof. Don A. Moore, Lorraine Tyson Mitchell Chair in Leadership and Communication
July 9, 2020
Watch video of the conversation between Annie Duke and Don Moore

The Pandemic's Impact on Women & Minorities: How Can Businesses Combat Inequities?
A conversation with Kellie A. McElhaney, Founding Director, Center for Equity, Gender, and Leadership.
Led by Ann E. Harrison, Bank of America Dean, Haas School of Business
June 25, 2020
Watch video of the conversation between Kellie McElhaney and Ann Harrison