C2M’s entrepreneurs listed below, are associated with a wide range of leading accelerators, universities, government programs, as well as other top-tier organizations.
Fullmoon Sensors
Fullmoon provides gas leak monitoring at scale using proprietary sensors. Its patented sensor chip repurposes materials originally commercialized in hydrogen fuel cells to sense leaks and emissions continuously. Compared to the handheld sensors that it can replace, Fullmoon’s technology is 10x less expensive, fully automated, and is a self-sustained solution capable of operating in remote locations. Website │ Video
Icarus RT
Icarus RT is developing a clean technology that allows for additional power generation by boosting solar panel performance, capturing heat, and storing energy for usage at a later time. Ultimately, Icarus RT’s technology increases the power output of solar photovoltaic panels, lowering cost per kilowatt-hour, and increases resiliency by allowing power generation after sunlight hours. Website │ Video
Radical Plastics
Radical Plastics is developing a radical solution to plastic pollution. The company is blending its patented, naturally-occurring catalyst with conventional plastic resins, to create economical plastic compounds that are fully biodegradable in the natural environment. Website │ Video
SiTration is building ultra-durable filtration membranes to enable significantly more cost-, energy-, and water-efficient separations for a greener industrial future. Website │ Video
An estimated 95 GWh of used EV batteries will be retired by 2025, with both significant value and challenges associated with reuse. Smartville Inc. proposes to address the challenge of reverse logistics in battery recycling by developing distributed battery conditioning “HUBs,” or Heterogenous Unifying Battery facilities, to both reduce transportation costs and create additional value in the reverse logistics supply chain. Website │ Video
Terrafuse’s mission is to provide actionable climate intelligence at any point on the planet. They envision a climate-resilient Earth, through climate-informed business decisions and policy actions. In furtherance of that, they have developed an AI-driven wildfire risk model that outperforms traditional methods at a fraction of the compute cost and time. Website │ Video
Trophic uses ocean-grown seaweeds to make the meatiest plant-based protein. The company’s product line serves multiple applications where color, texture, and nutrition are key attributes. Trophic is positioning for value creation and value capture in the future ocean farming vertical. Website │ Video