
C2M’s 2023 entrepreneurs listed below, are associated with a wide range of leading accelerators, universities, and government programs, including DOE’s ARPA-E, Activate, California Energy Commission-supported initiatives like CalSEED, Southern California Energy Innovation Network (SCEIN), Breakthrough Energy Fellows, Cleantech San Diego, iCorps, and Skydeck, as well as UC Berkeley, Stanford, Caltech, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, Columbia University, and other top-tier organizations.


Low-cost carbon capture, sequestration, and monitoring using earth-abundant granular metal carbonate (GMC) sorbent. WebsiteVideo

ChemFinity Technologies

​High-performing, highly modular porous polymer materials used as bulk sorbents and membrane filters for water purification and tunable recovery of various critical minerals. Website Video

CleanInnoGen Energy Solutions

A deep tech heat to hydrogen process decarbonizing heavy industry by turning waste heat into green hydrogen and oxygen with onsite utilization. WebsiteVideo

Emission Free Generators (EFG)

Portable, on-demand, green hydrogen generation from solid state reusable fuel cartridges, deliverable by mail, producing continuous electricity independent from grid, solar and fossil. For use anywhere, at anytime, on our planet. WebsiteVideo


Rare earth element (REE) bio-leaching from solid substrates with biodegradable lixiviant produced by genetically optimized microbes, followed by selective REE recovery and decontamination using engineered biofilms. Website Video

Roca Water

Addressing water shortages with a combined desalination and energy generation/storage system. Website N/A│Video

Scope Zero

Offers a Carbon Savings Account as a financial wellness benefit for employees, engaging them in corporate sustainability efforts and providing financial incentives to reduce utility bills and fuel spending. Website│ Video

Tyfast Energy

Building high performance lithium ion batteries using a vanadium oxide anode, a highly abundant raw material, that enables a new class of rechargeable battery that delivers 10x power, 10x cycle life and energy density exceeding commercial lithium iron phosphate (LFP) technology. WebsiteVideo