Path to a Zero-Carbon Campus

At the University of California, each UC campus has a goal to achieve climate neutrality from building and fleet energy use by 2025 and to be Carbon Neutral from all sources by 2050 or sooner.  UC Berkeley has an interim target to strive for carbon-free energy use by 2045.
The Haas Office of Sustainability and Climate Change is working with a third party consulting group to understand our carbon footprint and emissions and create a Haas Sustainability and Carbon Reduction Plan.

Connie & Kevin Chou Hall

The greenest academic building in the nation

As the greenest academic building in the nation, Chou Hall is leading the movement to redesign systems within the academic context and create an influential zero waste culture. By creating a space in which landfill is neither created nor disposed of, the Berkeley Haas community is reducing its carbon footprint and encouraging building users to think more deeply about the lifecycle of their waste.

Learn more about Chou Hall

Chou Hall Zero Waste Initiative

Official Chou Hall Zero Waste Initiative Report

The Chou Hall Zero Waste Initiative Report is a summary of the reflections, learnings, and recommendations that have resulted from our experience working towards achieving TRUE Zero Waste certification at the Platinum Level. We provide links to imperative documents that guided our project or that will help others who are working towards their own Zero Waste goals.

Click here to view the report

Cheit Hall is now a Zero Waste Building!

Chou Hall is a blueprint for other buildings that want to also strive for zero waste.  As of November 1, 2020, the second Haas building, Cheit Hall is now a zero waste building.  There are no landfill bins in Cheit Hall.

Micro Towel Program

In an effort to continue to prioritize zero waste, Haas is the first campus department to implement a micro towel pilot program for campus.  Reusable micro towels and cleaning spray are available in all group study rooms and virtual classrooms.  In partnership with campus custodial, Cal Zero Waste and Cintas, the towels are laundered and returned for continuous cleaning.

Next: Our Team