Research Themes
At the intersection of behavioral and environmental economics lies research on relevant issues such as sustainable consumption, environmental policies or poverty. By also investigating the psychological factors in citizens’ and environmental policy makers’ beliefs, researchers at UC Berkeley contribute significantly to this growing research field.
The following members of the O’Donnell Center for Behavioral Economics are working in these areas:
Recent Work
Berkouwer, S. B., Biscaye, P. E., Hsu, E., Kim, O. W., Lee, K., Miguel, E., & Wolfram, C. (2021). Money or power? Financial infrastructure and optimal policy (No. w29086). National Bureau of Economic Research. Abstract
Gračner, T., Kapinos, K. A., & Gertler, P. J. (2022). Associations of a national tax on non-essential high calorie foods with changes in consumer prices. Food Policy, 106, 102193. Abstract