The Oliver E. Williamson Seminar on Institutional Analysis, named after our esteemed colleague who founded the seminar, features current research by faculty, from UCB and elsewhere, and by advanced doctoral students. The research investigates governance and its links with economic and political forces. Markets, hierarchies, hybrids, and the supporting institutions of law and politics all come under scrutiny in the seminar. Over the years, the seminar has contributed to pushing the frontier of knowledge on governance, and on the norms and institutions that lead to societal success or failure.

The OEW Seminar meets on Thursdays from 12:30 to 2:00 PM in 220 Cheit Hall and is open to all members of the UC Berkeley community. If you are interested in being added to the seminar mailing list please contact Kristie Dinh.

To see past OEW Seminars, go to the archive.

To see the current OEW Seminar schedule click here.

Spring 2022 Schedule
Date Speaker Title of Talk/Paper
February 24
Giulia Brancaccio
“Search Frictions and Efficiency in Decentralized Transport Markets”
March 10
Location: Cheit 210
Paul Gertler
“Organizational Culture and Improving Public Procurement”
March 3

Miguel Ortiz (Berkeley Ph.D. Student)

Lukas Leucht (Berkeley Ph.D. Student)

“What Drives Inter-Group Spite? An Experiment with Muslims and Christians in Nigeria”

“Targeting Patronage and Mobilizing Votes”

March 17
Morgan Foy (Berkeley Ph.D. Student)
“Selection into Union Membership: Evidence from Wisconsin”
March 31
Diana Van Patten
“Voting on a Trade Agreement: Firm Networks and Attitudes Towards Openness”
April 7
Gabriel Granato (Berkeley Ph.D. Student)
“A Roof on the Quid: The Impacts of Campaign Spending Limits Over Clientelistic Special Interest Politics”
April 14
Sam Bazzi
(UC San Diego)
“The Other Great Migration: Southern Whites and the New Right”
April 28
Juan Ortner
(Boston University)
“The Value of Privacy in Cartels: An Analysis of the Inner Workings of a Bidding Ring”
May 5

Daria Bakhareva (Berkeley Ph.D. Student)

Zia Mehmood (Berkeley Ph.D. Student)

“Strategic Behavior in Charitable Giving: Evidence from the Invasion of Ukraine”

“Mobile Mentoring: Supporting Education of Children of Sex Workers in Kenya”

May 12

Sebastian Arechaga (Berkeley Ph.D. Student)

Silvia Barbareschi (Berkeley Ph.D. Student)

“Fiscal Capacity of Local Governments in the U.S., 1860-1900”

“Tentative Projects in Gender Economics and (Perception of) Safety”

May 19

Chiara Motta (Berkeley Ph.D. Student)

Pavel Bacherikov (Berkeley Ph.D. Student)

“Market Structure and Regulation: The Interface of Notice-and-Comment Rulemaking”

“The Impact of Feudalism on Long-Run Development in Russia”

Fall 2021 Schedule
Date Speaker Title of Talk/Paper
Sept. 8
Ali Yurukoglu
Concentration in Product Markets
Sept. 23
Matt Gentzkow
Advertising Prices in Equilibrium: Theory and Evidence
Oct. 7
Chang-Tai Hsieh
(University of Chicago)
Special Deals from Special Investors: The Rise of State-Connected Private Owners in China
Oct. 14
Ryan Oprea
On the Complexity of Forming Mental Models
Nov. 2
Cecile Gaubert (Berkeley)
Joint with International Seminar (597 Evans Hall, from 2-3:30 PM)
Responsible Sourcing? Theory and Evidence from Costa Rica
Nov. 18
Petra Persson
Family Spillover Effects of Marginal Diagnoses: The Case of ADHD
Dec. 2
Allan Hsiao
Coordination and Commitment in International Climate Action: Evidence from Palm Oil