Faculty Affiliate, Energy Institute at Haas

Research Areas:

Energy and electricity markets, climate change policy, local air quality, renewable energy, and transportation demand and urban form.


Paige Weber is currently an Assistant Professor in the Energy and Resources Group at UC Berkeley, and a Faculty Affiliate at the Energy Institute at Haas. She was previously an Assistant Professor in the Economics Department at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2020-2023) and a postdoctoral scholar in the Environmental Markets Lab (emLab) at the UC Santa Barbara (2019-2020). Weber is also research affiliate at emLab and a Fellow of the CESifo Research Network.

Weber uses methods in environmental economics, industrial organization, and urban economics to answer research questions in energy and the environment. A primary goal of her research is to understand the determinants and solutions to environmental inequality. Her research studies energy and electricity markets, climate change policy, local air quality, renewable energy, and transportation demand and urban form.

Weber received her Ph.D. in Environmental Economics from Yale University in 2019. She also earned a M.ESc. and a M.Phil. in Environmental Economics from Yale, and a B.A. in Political Economy of Industrialized Societies and Music from the UC Berkeley. She has professional experiences in the electricity industry, federal government, and non-governmental research organizations, all of which inform and motivate her research agenda.

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