Working Paper Series:
The Energy Institute Working Paper Series presents new research on energy and environmental topics authored by our faculty and graduate student affiliates.
Energy Institute at Haas working papers are circulated for discussion and comment purposes. They have not been peer-reviewed or been subject to review by any editorial board. The Energy Institute acknowledges the generous support it has received from the organizations and individuals listed on our Funders page.
James Sallee “The Trouble with Green Subsidies” (November 2024) | WP-352 | Abstract | Blog Post
Zheng Fu, Kevin Novan, and Aaron Smith “Do Time-of-Use Prices Deliver Energy Savings at the Right Time?” (November 2024) | WP-351 | Abstract | Blog Post
Hunt Allcott, Reigner Kane, Max Maydanchik, Joseph Shapiro, and Felix Tintelnot “The Effects of “Buy American”: Electric Vehicles and the Inflation Reduction Act” (Revised November 2024) | WP-350R | Abstract | Blog Post
Fiona Burlig, Louis Preonas, and Matt Woerman “Groundwater and Crop Choice in the Short and Long Run” (July 2024) | WP-349 | Abstract | Blog Post
Severin Borenstein and Lucas Davis “The Distributional Effects of U.S. Tax Credits for Heat Pumps, Solar Panels, and Electric Vehicles” (Revised July 2024) | WP-348R | Abstract | Blog Post
Cody Warner, Duncan Callaway, and Meredith Fowlie “Risk-Cost Tradeoffs in Power Sector Wildfire Prevention” (February 2024) | WP-347 | Abstract | Blog Post
Simon Greenhill, Hannah Druckenmiller, Sherrie Wang, David A. Keiser, Manuela Girotto, Jason K. Moore, Nobuhiro Yamaguchi, Alberto Todeschini, and Joseph Shapiro “Machine Learning Predicts Which Rivers, Streams, and Wetlands the Clean Water Act Regulates” (February 2024) | WP-346 | Abstract | Blog Post
Lucas Davis, Shaun McRae, and Enrique Seira “Competitive Effects of Entry in Gasoline Markets” (December 2023) | WP-345 | Abstract | Blog Post
Leila Safavi “Can Vertically Integrated Firms Evade Pricing Regulation? Evidence from Energy Utilities” (November 2023) | WP-344 | Abstract | Blog Post
Emilia Chojkiewicz, Umed Paliwal, Nikit Abhyankar, Casey Baker, Ric O’Connell, Duncan Callaway, and Amol Phadke “Accelerating Transmission Expansion by Using Advanced Conductors in Existing Right-of-Way” (Revised February 2024) | WP-343R | Abstract
Lucas Davis, Jing Li, and Katalin Springel “Political Ideology and U.S. Electric Vehicle Adoption” (October 2023) | WP-342 | Abstract | Blog Post
Severin Borenstein “Energy Hogs and Energy Angels: What Does Residential Electricity Usage Really Tell Us About Profligate Consumption?” (Revised January 2025) | WP-341R | Abstract | Blog Post | Blog Post 2
James Bushnell, Gabriel Lade, Aaron Smith, Julie Witcover, and Wuzheqian Xiao “Forecasting Credit Supply Demand Balance for the Low-Carbon Fuel Standard Program” (Revised October 2024) | WP-340R | Abstract | Blog Post 1 | Blog Post 2
James Sallee “Retiring Old Capital to Foster Decarbonization” (August 2023) | WP-339 | Abstract
Lucas Davis, Catherine Hausman, and Nancy Rose “Transmission Impossible? Prospects for Decarbonizing the US Grid” (June 2023) (Published in Journal of Economic Perspectives, 37(4): 155-180, 2023) | WP-338 | Abstract
Lucas Davis “The Economic Determinants of Heat Pump Adoption” (Revised July 2023) (Published in NBER Environmental and Energy Policy and the Economy, University of Chicago Press, 5: 162-199, 2024) | WP-337R | Abstract | Blog Post
Severin Borenstein, James Bushnell, and Erin Mansur “The Economics of Electricity Reliability” (March 2023) (Published in Journal of Economic Perspectives, 37(4), Fall 2023) | WP-336 | Abstract
Patrick Baylis, Severin Borenstein, and Ed Rubin “Does Time Shift Behavior? The Clock- vs. Solar-time Tradeoff” (Revised June 2024) | WP-335R | Abstract | Blog Post
Mark Jacobsen, James Sallee, Joseph Shapiro, and Arthur van Benthem “Regulating Untaxable Externalities: Are Vehicle Air Pollution Standards Effective and Efficient?” (Revised August 2023) (Published in Quarterly Journal of Economics, 138(3): 1907-1976, August 2023) | WP-334 | Abstract | Blog Post
Jenya Kahn-Lang “Competing for (In)attention: Price Discrimination in Residential Electricity Markets” (November 2022) | WP-333 | Abstract | Blog Post
David Rapson and James Bushnell “The Electric Ceiling: Limits and Costs of Full Electrification” (October 2022) (Published in Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, 18(1): 26-44, 2024) | WP-332 | Abstract
Jesse Buchsbaum “Long-Run Price Elasticities and Mechanisms: Empirical Evidence from Residential Electricity Consumers” (October 2022) | WP-331 | Abstract | Blog Post
Severin Borenstein, Meredith Fowlie, and James Sallee “Paying for Electricity in California: How Residential Rate Design Impacts Equity and Electrification” (September 2022) | WP-330 | Abstract | Appendix | Blog Post
Karl Dunkle Werner and Stephen Jarvis “Rate of Return Regulation Revisited” (Revised April 2024) | WP-329R | Abstract | Blog Post
Severin Borenstein and Ryan Kellogg “Carbon Pricing, Clean Electricity Standards, and Clean Electricity Subsidies on the Path to Zero Emissions” (July 2022) (Published in NBER Environmental and Energy Policy and the Economy, 4: 125-176, 2023) | WP-328 | Abstract | Blog Post
Anna Brockway, Duncan Callaway, and Salma Elmallah “Can Distribution Grid Infrastructure Accommodate Residential Electrification and Electric Vehicle Adoption in Northern California?” (Revised December 2022) (Revised version published in Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability, 4(2): 2634-4505, December 2022) | WP-327R | Abstract | Blog Post
James Bushnell, Erich Muehlegger, and David Rapson “Energy Prices and Electric Vehicle Adoption” (March 2022) | WP-326 | Abstract | Blog Post
Akshaya Jha, Louis Preonas, and Fiona Burlig “Blackouts in the Developing World: The Role of Wholesale Electricity Markets” (January 2022) | WP-325 | Abstract
Eva Lyubich “The Role of People vs. Places in Individual Carbon Emissions” (December 2021) | WP-324 | Abstract | Blog Post
Matthew Tarduno “For Whom the Bridge Tolls: Congestion, Air Pollution, and Second-Best Road Pricing” (Revised September 2024) | WP-323R | Abstract | Blog Post
Lucas Davis “Electric Vehicles in Multi-Vehicle Households” (Revised February 2022) (Revised version published in Applied Economics Letters, 30(15): 1909-1912, 2023) | WP-322R | Abstract | Blog Post
Meredith Fowlie, Claire Petersen, and Mar Reguant “Border Carbon Adjustments When Carbon Intensity Varies Across Producers: Evidence from California” (Revised September 2021) (Revised version published in American Economic Association Papers and Proceedings, 111: 401-05, May 2021) | WP-321R | Abstract | Online Appendix | Blog Post
Meredith Fowlie and Mar Reguant “Mitigating Emissions Leakage in Incomplete Carbon Markets” (September 2021) (Revised version published in the Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 9(2): 307-343, 2022) | WP-320R | Abstract | Online Appendix
Severin Borenstein and James Bushnell “Headwinds and Tailwinds: Implications of Inefficient Retail Energy Pricing for Energy Substitution” (Revised July 2021) (Revised version published in NBER Environmental and Energy Policy and the Economy, 3, February 2022) | WP-319R | Abstract | Online Appendix | Blog Post
James Bushnell, Erich Muehlegger, David Rapson, and Julie Witcover “The End of Neutrality? LCFS, Technology Neutrality, and Stimulating the Electric Vehicle Market” (Revised July 2021) | WP-318R | Abstract
Lucas Davis and Catherine Hausman “Who Will Pay for Legacy Utility Costs?” (Revised March 2022) (Revised version published in Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 9(6): 1047-1085, 2022) | WP-317R | Abstract | Blog Post
Lucas Davis “Evidence of a Homeowner-Renter Gap for Electric Appliances” (Revised March 2022) (Revised version published in Energy Journal, 2023, 44(4), 53-64) | WP-316R | Abstract | Blog Post
Joseph Shapiro and Reed Walker “Where is Pollution Moving? Environmental Markets and Environmental Justice” (March 2021) (Revised version published in AEA Papers and Proceedings, 111: 410-14, 2021) | WP-315R | Abstract | Blog Post
Severin Borenstein, Meredith Fowlie, and James Sallee “Designing Electricity Rates for An Equitable Energy Transition” (February 2021) | WP-314 | Abstract | Appendix | Github Repository
Fiona Burlig, James Bushnell, David Rapson, and Catherine Wolfram “Low Energy: Estimating Electric Vehicle Electricity Use“ (Revised March 2021) (Revised version published in AEA Papers and Proceedings, March 2021) | WP-313R | Abstract | Blog Post
Joseph Shapiro and Reed Walker “Is Air Pollution Regulation Too Lenient? Evidence from US Offset Markets” (Revised March 2024) | WP-312R | Abstract
Stephen Jarvis “The Economic Costs of NIMBYism: Evidence from Renewable Energy Projects” (Revised January 2021) (Revised version forthcoming in Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists) | WP-311R | Abstract | Blog Post
Karl Dunkle Werner and Wenfeng Qiu “Hard to Measure Well: Can Feasible Policies Reduce Methane Emissions?” (November 2020) | WP-310 | Abstract | Blog Post
Lucas Davis “What Matters for Electrification? Evidence from 70 Years of U.S. Home Heating Choices“ (Revised October 2022) (Revised version forthcoming in Review of Economics and Statistics) | WP-309R | Abstract | Blog Post
Meredith Fowlie, Reed Walker, and David Wooley “Climate Policy, Environmental Justice, and Local Air Pollution” (October 2020) (Revised version published in Brookings Economic Studies, October 2020) | WP-308R | Abstract
Lucas Davis “Estimating the Price Elasticity of Demand for Subways: Evidence from Mexico” (Revised December 2020) (Revised version published in Regional Science and Urban Economics, 87, 103651, 2021) | WP-307R | Abstract | Blog Post
Eva Lyubich “The Race Gap in Residential Energy Expenditures” (June 2020) | WP-306 | Abstract | Blog Post
Joseph Shapiro “The Environmental Bias of Trade Policy” (May 2020) (Revised version published in Quarterly Journal of Economics, 136(2): 831-886, 2021) | WP-305R | Abstract | Blog Post
Stephen Jarvis, Olivier Deschenes, and Akshaya Jha “The Private and External Costs of Germany’s Nuclear Phase-Out” (January 2020) (Revised version published in Journal of the European Economic Association, 2020) | WP-304R | Abstract | Blog Post
Susanna Berkouwer and Joshua Dean “Credit and Attention in the Adoption of Profitable Energy Efficient Technologies in Kenya” (October 2019) (Revised version published in American Economic Review, 122(10), 1-41, 2022) | WP-303R | Abstract
James Sallee “Pigou Creates Losers: On the Implausibility of Achieving Pareto Improvements from Efficiency-Enhancing Policies” (Revised September 2022) | WP-302R | Abstract
Lucas Davis and James Sallee “Should Electric Vehicle Drivers Pay A Mileage Tax?” (April 2019) (Revised version published in NBER Environmental and Energy Policy and the Economy, 1, 65-94, 2020) | WP-301R | Abstract
Meredith Fowlie, Edward Rubin, and Reed Walker “Bringing Satellite-Based Air Quality Estimates Down” (February 2019) (Revised version published in American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, 109: 283-288, May 2019) | WP-300R | Abstract
Susanna Berkouwer “Electric Heating and the Effect of Temperature on Household Electricity Consumption in South Africa” (February 2019) (Revised version published in The Energy Journal, 41(4): 209-230, 2020) | WP-299R | Abstract | Non-Technical Abstract
Matt Woerman “Market Size and Market Power: Evidence from the Texas Electricity Market” (December 2018) | WP-298 | Abstract
Joshua Blonz “The Welfare Costs of Misaligned Incentives: Energy Inefficiency and the Principal-Agent Problem” (Revised March 2021) (Revised version published in AEJ: Economic Policy, 15(3): 286-321, 2023) | WP-297R | Abstract
Lucas Davis “How Much Are Electric Vehicles Driven?” (November 2018) (Revised version published in Applied Economics Letters, 26(18), February 2019) | WP-296R | Abstract | Blog Post
Meredith Fowlie, Yashraj Khaitan, Catherine Wolfram, and Derek Wolfson “Solar Microgrids and Remote Energy Access: How Weak Incentives Can Undermine Smart Technology” (October 2018) (Revised version published in Economics of Energy and Environmental Policy, 8(1), 2018) | WP-295R | Abstract | Blog Post
Severin Borenstein and James Bushnell “Do Two Electricity Pricing Wrongs Make a Right? Cost Recovery, Externalities, and Efficiency” (Revised July 2021) (Revised version published in American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 14(4): 80-110, 2022) | WP-294R | Abstract | Blog Post
Lucas Davis and Catherine Hausman “Are Energy Executives Rewarded For Luck?” (October 2019) (Revised version published in Energy Journal, 41(6): 157-181, 2020) | WP-293R | Abstract | Blog Post
James Bushnell and Kevin Novan “Setting With The Sun: The Impacts Of Renewable Energy On Wholesale Power Markets” (August 2018) (Revised version published in the Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 8(4): 759-796, 2021) | WP-292R | Abstract | Non-Technical Abstract
Lucas Davis “Evidence of of a Homeowner-Renter Gap for Electric Vehicles” (July 2018) (Revised version published in Applied Economics Letters, 26(11), September 2018) | WP-291R | Abstract | Blog Post
Lucas Davis, Shaun McRae, and Enrique Seira Bejarano “An Economic Perspective on Mexico’s Nascent Deregulation of Retail Petroleum Markets” (Revised December 2018) (Revised version published in Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy, 8(2), 2019) | WP-290R | Abstract | Blog Post
Mathias Reynaert and James Sallee “Who Benefits When Firms Game Corrective Policies?” (April 2018) (Revised version published in American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 13(1): 372-412, 2021) | WP-289R | Abstract
Lucas Davis, Sebastian Martinez, and Bibiana Taboada “How Effective is Energy-Efficient Housing? Evidence from a Field Experiment in Mexico” (February 2018) (Revised version published in Journal of Development Economics, 143(102390), 2020) | WP-288R | Abstract | Blog Post
Maximilian Auffhammer and Edward Rubin “Natural Gas Price Elasticities and Optimal Cost Recovery Under Consumer Heterogeneity: Evidence from 300 Million Natural Gas Bills” (January 2018) | WP-287 | Abstract
Eva Lyubich, Joseph Shapiro, and Reed Walker “Regulating Mismeasured Pollution: Implications of Firm Heterogeneity for Environmental Policy” (January 2018) (Revised version published in AEA Papers and Proceedings, 108: 136-42, 2018) | WP-286R | Abstract
Louis Preonas “Market Power in Coal Shipping and Implications for U.S. Climate Policy” (Revised May 2022) (Revised version published in Review of Economic Studies, 91(4), 2508-2537, September 2023) | WP-285R | Abstract | Appendix | Blog Post
James Gillan “Dynamic Pricing, Attention, and Automation: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Electricity Consumption” (November 2017) | WP-284 | Abstract
Fiona Burlig, Christopher Knittel, David Rapson, Mar Reguant, and Catherine Wolfram “Machine Learning from Schools about Energy Efficiency” (September 2017) (Revised version published in Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 7(6): 1181-1217, November 2020) | WP-283R | Abstract
Catherine Hausman and David Rapson “Regression Discontinuity in Time: Considerations for Empirical Applications” (Revised April 2018) (Revised version published in the Annual Review of Resource Economics, 10, 2018) | WP-282R | Abstract
Severin Borenstein, James Bushnell, and Frank Wolak “California’s Cap-and-Trade Market Through 2030: A Preliminary Supply/Demand Analysis” (July 2017) | WP-281 | Abstract
Meredith Fowlie, Catherine Wolfram, Anna Spurlock, Annika Todd, Patrick Baylis, and Peter Cappers “Default Effects and Follow-On Behavior: Evidence From An Electricity Pricing Program” (Revised August 2020) (Revised version published in Review of Economic Studies, March 2021) | WP-280R | Abstract
Lucas Davis “Evidence of a Decline in Electricity Use by U.S. Households” (May 2017) (Revised version published in the Economics Bulletin, 37(2): 1098-1105, May 2017) | WP-279R | Abstract | Blog Post
James Bushnell, Michaela Flagg, and Erin Mansur “Capacity Markets at a Crossroads” (April 2017) | WP-278 | Executive Summary
Fiona Burlig, Louis Preonas, and Matt Woerman “Panel Data and Experimental Design” (Revised October 2017) (Revised version published in Journal of Development Economics, 144(102548), 2020) | WP-277R | Abstract | Appendix
Lucas Davis and Christopher Knittel “Are Fuel Economy Standards Regressive?” (Revised November 2017) (Revised version published in Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 6: 37-63, 2019) | WP-276R | Abstract | Blog Post
Joshua Blonz “Making the Best of the Second-Best: Welfare Consequences of Time-Varying Electricity Prices” (Revised June 2020) (Revised version published in Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 9(6): 1087-1126, November 2022) | WP-275R | Abstract | Blog Post
Severin Borenstein, James Bushnell, Frank Wolak, and Matthew Zaragoza-Watkins “Expecting the Unexpected: Emissions Uncertainty and Environmental Market Design” (Revised August 2019) (Revised version published in American Economic Review, 109(11): 3953-3977, November 2019) | WP-274R | Abstract | Appendix
Erica Myers “Are Home Buyers Inattentive? Evidence From Capitalization of Energy Costs” (Revised January 2017) (Revised version published in American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 11(2): 165-188, 2019) | WP-273R | Abstract
Severin Borenstein “The Economics of Fixed Cost Recovery by Utilities” (Revised July 2016) (Revised version published in The Electricity Journal, 29(5): 12, 2016) | WP-272R | Abstract
Judson Boomhower and Lucas Davis “Do Energy Efficiency Investments Deliver at the Right Time?” (Revised August 2017) (Revised version published in American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 12(1): 115-139, 2020) | WP-271R | Abstract | Blog Post
Kenneth Lee, Edward Miguel, and Catherine Wolfram “Experimental Evidence on the Demand for and Costs of Rural Electrification” (Revised May 2016) (Revised version published in Journal of Political Economy, 2020) | WP-270R | Abstract | Appendix
Sharat Ganapati, Joseph Shapiro, and Reed Walker “The Incidence of Carbon Taxes in U.S. Manufacturing: Lessons from Energy Cost Pass-Through” (Revised April 2017) (Revised version published in American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 12(2): 303-42, 2020) | WP-269R | Abstract
Fiona Burlig and Louis Preonas “Out of the Darkness and Into the Light? Development Effects of Rural Electrification” (Revised May 2021) (Revised version published in Journal of Political Economy, 132(9): 2937–2971, August 2024) | WP-268R | Abstract | Appendix
Lucas Davis “The Environmental Cost of Global Fuel Subsidies” (Revised September 2016) (Revised version published in The Energy Journal, 38: 7-27, 2017) | WP-267R | Abstract | Blog Post | CATO Research Brief
Kenneth Lee, Edward Miguel and Catherine Wolfram “Appliance Ownership and Aspirations among Electric Grid and Home Solar Households in Rural Kenya” (Revised January 2016) (Revised version published in the American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings, 106(5): 89-94, May 2016) | WP-266R | Abstract | Blog Post
Patrick Baylis “Temperature and Temperament: Evidence from a Billion Tweets” (Revised November 2015) (Revised version published in Journal of Public Economics, 2020) | WP-265R | Abstract
Duncan Callaway, Meredith Fowlie and Gavin McCormick “Location, Location, Location: The Variable Value of Renewable Energy and Demand-side Efficiency Resources” (Revised September 2015) (Revised version published in the Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 5(1): 39-75, January 2018) | WP-264R | Abstract | Blog Post
James Archsmith, Alissa Kendall, and David Rapson “From Cradle to Junkyard: Assessing the Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Benefits of Electric Vehicles” (Revised September 2015) (Revised version published in Research in Transportation Economics, 63(3): 397-421, 2015) | WP-263R | Abstract
Severin Borenstein and Lucas Davis “The Distributional Effects of U.S. Clean Energy Tax Credits” (Revised July 2015) (Revised version published in NBER Tax Policy and the Economy, University of Chicago Press, 30(1): 191-234, 2016) | WP-262R | Abstract | Blog Post
Meredith Fowlie, Michael Greenstone and Catherine Wolfram “Do Energy Efficiency Investments Deliver? Evidence from the Weatherization Assistance Program” (Revised June 2015) (Revised version published in Quarterly Journal of Economics, 133(3): 1597-1644, August 2018) | WP-261R | Abstract | Blog Post
Michael Cohen, P. Kauzmann, and Duncan Callaway “Economic Effects of Distributed PV Generation on California’s Distribution System” (Revised June 2015) (Revised version published in Solar Energy, 128: 26-138, April 2016) | WP-260R | Abstract
Severin Borenstein “Private Net Benefits of Residential Solar PV: The Role of Electricity Tariffs, Tax Incentives and Rebates” (Revised July 2015) (Revised version published in the Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 4, September 2017) | WP-259R | Abstract | Blog Post
Coglianese, John, Davis, Lucas, Kilian, Lutz, and Stock, James “Anticipation, Tax Avoidance, and the Price Elasticity of Gasoline Demand” (February 2015) (Revised version published in Journal of Applied Econometrics, 32(1): 1-15, 2017) | WP-258R | Abstract
Koichiro Ito, Takanori Ida, and Makoto Tanaka “The Persistence of Moral Suasion and Economic Incentives: Field Experimental Evidence from Energy Demand” (Revised April 2015) (Revised version published in the American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 10(1): 1-29, February 2018) | WP-257R | Abstract | Blog Post
Meredith Fowlie, Michael Greenstone, and Catherine Wolfram “Are the Non-Monetary Costs of Energy Efficiency Investments Large? Understanding Low Take-up of a Free Energy Efficiency Program” (Revised January 2015) (Revised version published in American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, 105: 201-204, May 2015) | WP-256R | Abstract | Blog Post
James Bushnell, Stephen Holland, Jonathan Hughes, and Christopher Knittel “Strategic Policy Choice in State-Level Regulation: The EPA’s Clean Power Plan” (Revised May 2016) (Revised version published in the American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 9(2), May 2017) | WP-255R | Abstract | Executive Summary | Appendix B | Blog Post
Judson Boomhower “Drilling Like There’s No Tomorrow: Bankruptcy, Insurance, and Environmental Risk” (Revised March 2016) (Revised version published in the American Economic Review, 109(2): 391-426, February 2019) | WP-254R | Abstract | Blog Post
Lucas Davis and Gilbert Metcalf “Does Better Information Lead to
Better Choices? Evidence from Energy-Efficiency Labels” (Revised March 2015) (Revised version published in the Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 3(3): 589-625, September 2016) | WP-253R | Abstract | Blog Post
Severin Borenstein and James Bushnell “The U.S. Electricity Industry after 20 Years of Restructuring” (Revised May 2015) (Revised version published in the Annual Review of Economics, 7(1): 437-463, August 2015) | WP-252R | Abstract | Blog Post
Severin Borenstein, James Bushnell, Frank Wolak, and Matthew Zaragoza-Watkins “Report of the Market Simulation Group on Competitive Supply/Demand Balance in the California Allowance Market and the Potential for Market Manipulation” (July 2014) | WP-251 | Abstract | Blog Post
Soren Anderson, Ryan Kellogg, and Steve Salant “Hotelling Under Pressure” (July 2014) (Revised version published in the Journal of Political Economy, 126(3): 984-1026, June 2018) | WP-250R | Abstract
Maximilian Auffhammer and Catherine Wolfram “Powering Up China: Income Distributions and Residential Electricity Consumption” (May 2014) (Revised version published in American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings, 104(5): 575-580, May 2014) | WP-249R | Abstract
Lucas Davis and Catherine Hausman “Market Impacts of a Nuclear Power Plant Closure” (Revised May 2015) (Revised version published in the American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 8(2): 92-122, April 2016) | WP-248R | Abstract | Blog Post
Lucas Davis “The Economic Cost of Global Fuel Subsidies” (December 2013) (Revised version published in American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings, 104(5): 581-585, May 2014) | WP-247R | Abstract | Blog Post
Erica Myers “Asymmetric Information in Residential Rental Markets: Implications for the Energy Efficiency Gap” (Revised January 2018) (Revised version published in Journal of Public Economics, 190, 2020) | WP-246R | Abstract
Katrina Jessoe, David Rapson, and Jeremy Smith “Towards Understanding the Role of Price in Residential Electricity Choices: Evidence from a Natural Experiment” (October 2013) (Revised version published in the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 107: 191-208, November 2014) | WP-245R | Abstract
Koichiro Ito “Asymmetric Incentives in Subsidies: Evidence from a Large-Scale Electricity Rebate Program” (Revised September 2014) (Revised version published in American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 7(3): 209-237, August 2015) | WP-244R | Abstract | Blog Post
Carl Blumstein and Margaret Taylor “Rethinking the Energy-Efficiency Gap: Producers, Intermediaries, and Innovation” (May 2013) | WP-243 | Abstract
Severin Borenstein “A Microeconomic Framework for Evaluating Energy Efficiency Rebound And Some Implications” (Revised January 2014) (Revised version published in the Energy Journal, 36(1): 1-21, January 2015) | WP-242R | Abstract
Katrina Jessoe and David Rapson “Knowledge is (Less) Power: Experimental Evidence from Residential Energy Use” (April 2013) (Revised version published in the American Economic Review, 104(4): 1417-1438, April 2014) | WP-241R | Abstract | Blog Post | Blog Post 2
Erin Baker, Meredith Fowlie, Derek Lemoine, and Stanley Reynolds “The Economics of Solar Electricity” (April 2013) (Revised version published in the Annual Review of Resource Economics, 5(1): 397-426, 2013) | WP-240R | Abstract | Blog Post
David Albouy, Walter Graf, Ryan Kellogg, and Hendrik Wolff “Climate Amenities, Climate Change, and American Quality of Life” (March 2013) (Revised version published in the Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 3: 205-246, March 2016) | WP-239R | Abstract | Blog Post
Katrina Jessoe and David Rapson “Commercial and Industrial Demand Response Under Mandatory Time-of-Use Electricity Pricing” (February 2013) (Revised version published in the Journal of Industrial Economics, 63(3): 397-421, September 2015) | WP-238R | Abstract
Meredith Fowlie and Nicholas Muller “Market-based Emissions Regulation When Damages Vary Across Sources: What are the Gains from Differentiation?” (February 2013) (Revised version published in Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 6(3): 593-632, May 2019) | WP-237R | Abstract | Blog Post
James Bushnell, Yihsu Chen, and Matthew Zaragoza-Watkins “Downstream Regulation of CO2 Emissions in California’s Electricity Sector” (January 2013) (Revised version published in Energy Policy, 64: 313-323, January 2014) | WP-236R | Abstract
Soren Anderson and Andrew Elzinga “A Ban on One is a Boon for the Other: Strict Gasoline Content Rules and Implicit Ethanol Blending Mandates” (December 2012) (Revised version published in the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 67(3): 258-273, May 2014) | WP-235R | Abstract
Meredith Fowlie, Mar Reguant, and Stephen Ryan “Market-Based Emissions Regulation and Industry Dynamics” (December 2012) (Revised version published in Journal of Political Economy, 124(1): 249-302, 2016) | WP-234R | Abstract
Olivier Deschenes, Michael Greenstone, and Joseph Shapiro “Defensive Investments and the Demand for Air Quality: Evidence from the NOx Budget Program and Ozone Regulation” (July 2012) (Published in American Economic Review, 107(10): 2958-2989, 2017) | WP-233 | Abstract
Lucas Davis “Bonding Requirements for Natural Gas Producers” (Revised February 2014) (Revised version published in The Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, 9(10): 128-144, 2015) | WP-232R | Abstract | Blog Post
Severin Borenstein and Ryan Kellogg “The Incidence of an Oil Glut: Who Benefits from Cheap Crude Oil in the Midwest?” (January 2014) (Revised version published in Energy Journal, 35(1): 15-33, January 2014) | WP-231R | Abstract | Blog Post
Lucas Davis, Alan Fuchs, and Paul Gertler “Cash for Coolers: Evaluating a Large-Scale Appliance Replacement Program in Mexico” (Revised November 2013) (Revised version published in American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 6(4): 207-238, 2014) | WP-230R | Abstract | Blog Post
Severin Borenstein “Effective and Equitable Adoption of Opt-In Residential Dynamic Electricity Pricing” (April 2012) (Revised version published in Review of Industrial Organization, 42(2): 127-160, March 2013) | WP-229R | Abstract | Blog Post | Blog Post 2
Hunt Allcott and Michael Greenstone “Is There an Energy Efficiency Gap?” (Revised July 2012) (Revised version published in Journal of Economic Perspectives, 26(1), Winter 2012) | WP-228R | Abstract | Blog Post
Christopher Knittel “Reducing Petroleum Consumption from Transportation” (January 2012) (Revised version published in Journal of Economic Perspectives, 26(1): 93-118, 2012) | WP-227R | Abstract
Catherine Wolfram, Orie Shelef, and Paul Gertler “How Will Energy Demand Develop in the Developing World?” (January 2012) (Revised version published in Journal of Economic Perspectives, 26(1): 119-138, Winter 2012) | WP-226R | Abstract
Severin Borenstein “Regional and Income Distribution Effects of Alternative Retail Electricity Tariffs” (October 2011) | WP-225 | Abstract
Paul Gertler, Orie Shelef, Catherine Wolfram, and Alan Fuchs “The Demand for Energy-Using Assets among the World’s Rising Middle Classes” (October 2011) (Revised June 2016) (Revised version published in the American Economic Review, 106(6): 1366-1401, June 2016) | WP-224R | Abstract | Blog Post
Catherine Hausman “Corporate Incentives and Nuclear Safety” (April 2013) (Revised August 2014) (Revised version published in American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 6(3): 178-206, August 2014) | WP-223R | Abstract | Blog Post
James Bushnell “Adverse Selection and Emissions Offsets” (September 2011) | WP-222 | Abstract
Severin Borenstein “The Private and Public Economics of Renewable Electricity Generation” (December 2011) (Revised 2012) (Revised version published in Journal of Economic Perspectives, 26(1): 67-92, 2012) | WP-221R | Abstract | Blog Post
Stephen Holland, Jonathan Hughes, Christopher Knittel, and Nathan Parker “Some Inconvenient Truths About Climate Change Policy: The Distributional Impacts of Transportation Policies” (August 2011) (Revised December 2015) (Revised version published in the Review of Economics and Statistics, 97(5): 1052-1069, December 2015) | WP-220R | Abstract
Christopher Knittel and Ryan Sandler “Cleaning the Bathwater with the Baby: The Health Co-Benefits of Carbon Pricing in Transportation” (August 2011) | WP-219 | Abstract
Lucas Davis “Prospects for U.S. Nuclear Power After Fukushima” (August 2011) (Revised version published in Journal of Economic Perspectives, 26(1), 49-66, 2012) | WP-218R | Abstract | Blog Post
Lucas Davis and Catherine Wolfram “Deregulation, Consolidation, and Efficiency: Evidence from U.S. Nuclear Power” (August 2011) (Revised October 2012) (Revised version published in American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 4(4): 194-225, October 2012) | WP-217R | Abstract | Blog Post
Severin Borenstein “Would Pricing Aviation GHGs Really Lower Efficiency or Profitability?: A Comment on Winchester et al, ‘The Impact of Climate Policy on U.S. Aviation'” (June 2011) | WP-216 | Abstract
Soren Anderson, Ryan Kellogg, and James Sallee “What Do Consumers Believe About Future Gasoline Prices?” (September 2012) (Revised November 2013) (Revised version published in Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 66(3): 383-403, November 2013) | WP-215R | Abstract
Kate Whitefoot, Meredith Fowlie, and Steven Skerlos “Product Design Responses to Industrial Policy: Evaluating Fuel Economy Standards Using an Engineering Model of Endogenous Product Design” (February 2011) (Revised 2017) (Revised version published in Environmental Science & Technology, 51(18): 10307-10315, August 2017) | WP-214R | Abstract
Severin Borenstein and Lucas Davis “The Equity and Efficiency of Two-Part Tariffs in U.S. Natural Gas Markets” (December 2010) (Revised February 2012) (Revised version published in Journal of Law and Economics, 55(1): 75-128, February 2012) | WP-213R | Abstract
James Sallee and Joel Slemrod “Car Notches: Strategic Automaker Responses to Fuel Economy Policy” (December 2010) (Revised December 2012) (Revised version published in Journal of Public Economics, 96(11-12): 981-999, December 2012) | WP-212R | Abstract
Howard Chong “Building Vintage and Electricity Use: Old Homes Use Less Electricity in Hot Weather” (November 2010) (Revised July 2012) (Revised version published in European Economic Review, 56(5): 906-930, July 2012) | WP-211R | Abstract
Koichiro Ito “Do Consumers Respond to Marginal or Average Price? Evidence from Nonlinear Electricity Pricing” (October 2012) (Revised February 2014) (Revised version published in American Economic Review, 104(2): 537-63, February 2014) | WP-210R | Abstract | Blog Post
Matthew Kahn and Erin Mansur “How Do Energy Prices, and Labor and Environmental Regulations Affect Local Manufacturing Employment Dynamics? A Regression Discontinuity Approach” (November 2010) (Revised 2013) (Revised version published in the Journal of Public Economics, 101: 105-114, 2013) | WP-209R | Abstract
Maximilian Auffhammer and Anin Aroonruengsawat “Simulating the Impacts of Climate Change, Prices and Population on California’s Residential Electricity Consumption” (November 2011) (Revised June 2012) (Revised version published in Climate Change, 109(S1), June 2012) | WP-208R | Abstract | Blog Post
Meredith Fowlie “Updating the Allocation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Permits in a Federal Cap-and-Trade Program” (August 2010) (Revised September 2012) (Revised version published in The Design and Implementation of U.S. Climate Policy, September 2012) | WP-207R | Abstract
Severin Borenstein “Markets for Anthropogenic Carbon Within the Larger Carbon Cycle” (June 2010) (Revised September 2012) (Revised version published in The Design and Implementation of U.S. Climate Policy, September 2012) | WP-206R | Abstract
Lucas Davis “Evaluating the Slow Adoption of Energy Efficient Investments: Are Renters Less Likely to Have Energy Efficient Appliances?” (June 2010) (Revised September 2012) (Revised version published in The Design and Implementation of U.S. Climate Policy, September 2012) | WP-205R | Abstract | Blog Post
Severin Borenstein “The Redistributional Impact of Non-Linear Electricity Pricing” (April 2011) (Revised August 2012) (Revised version published in American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 4(3), August 2012) | WP-204R | Abstract
Benjamin Hobbs, James Bushnell, and Frank Wolak “Upstream vs. Downstream CO2 Trading: A Comparison for the Electricity Context” (March 2010) (Revised July 2010) (Revised version published in Energy Policy, 38(7): 3632-3643, July 2010) | WP-203R | Abstract
James Bushnell “Building Blocks: Investment in Renewable and Non-Renewable Technologies” (January 2010) (Revised April 2010) (Revised version published in Harnessing Renewable Energy in Electric Power Systems, Resources for the Future Press, April 2010) | WP-202R | Abstract
Meghan Busse, Christopher Knittel, and Florian Zettelmeyer “Are Consumers Myopic? Evidence from New and Used Car Purchases” (December 2009) (Revised February 2013) (Revised version published in The American Economic Review, 103(1), February 2013) | WP-201R | Abstract
James Bushnell, Howard Chong, and Erin Mansur “Profiting from Regulation: An Event Study of the European Carbon Market” (October 2011) (Revised November 2013) (Revised version published in American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 5(4), November 2013) | WP-200R | Abstract