Energy Institute Webinar

Wednesday, February 14, 2024
9:30am-10:30am PST

“Accelerating Transmission Expansion by Using Advanced Conductors in Existing Rights-of-Way”

Authors: Emilia Chojkiewicz, Umed Paliwal, Nikit Abhyankar, Casey Baker,
Ric O’Connell, Duncan Callaway, Amol Phadke





Duncan Callaway
Associate Professor
Energy & Resources Group
University of California, Berkeley


A new working paper analyzes how the replacement of transmission conductors with advanced conductors throughout the US can be a rapid and cost-effective approach to address future US transmission needs.

As countries pursue decarbonization goals, the rapid expansion of transmission capacity for renewable energy (RE) integration poses a significant challenge due to hurdles such as permitting and cost allocation. However, the authors find that large-scale reconductoring with advanced composite-core conductors can cost-effectively double transmission capacity within existing right-of-way (ROW), with limited additional permitting. This strategy unlocks a high availability of increasingly economically-viable RE resources in close proximity to the existing network. The authors implement reconductoring in a model of the United States power system, showing that reconductoring can help meet over 80% of the new interzonal transmission needed to reach over 90% clean electricity by 2035 given restrictions on greenfield transmission build-out. With $180 billion in system cost savings by 2050, reconductoring presents a cost-effective and time efficient, yet underutilized, opportunity to accelerate global transmission expansion. Full Paper
Additional Information:
  • The author’s presentation will be followed by Q&A.
  • For registration questions, please contact Cristina Bentley, [email protected]