Tuesday, June 24-27, 2019 – Wells Fargo Room, Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley

All Seminars are open to the public. No registration is required; please arrive on time in order to find seating.

Monday, June 24th

3:45pm – 4:15pm, “Measuring the Environmental Benefits from Transportation Electrification: Urban Electric Buses”
Stephen Holland (University of North Carolina at Greensboro)
Joint with Erin Mansur (Dartmouth), Nicholas Muller (Carnegie Mellon University), and Andrew Yates (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)

4:15pm – 4:45pm, “Automobile Depreciation: Estimates and Implications”
James Sallee (University of California, Berkeley)
Joint with Christopher Knittel (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Tuesday, June 25th

3:45pm – 4:15pm, “The Value of Infrastructure: Evidence from a New Transmission Line Opening in Chile”
Koichiro Ito* (University of Chicago)
Joint with Mar Reguant (Northwestern University) and Luis Gonzales

4:15pm – 4:45pm, “What Were the Odds? Estimating the Effect of Policy Shocks on Energy Firms”
Ashley Langer (University of Arizona)
Joint with Derek Lemoine (University of Arizona)

Wednesday, June 26th

3:45pm – 4:15pm, “Implications of Residential Energy Pricing for Energy Substitution and Welfare”
Severin Borenstein (University of California, Berkeley)
Joint with James Bushnell (University of California, Davis)

4:15pm – 4:45pm, “Negative Rebound: Fuel Economy Standards and Miles Traveled”
Mark Jacobsen (University of California, San Diego)
Joint with Yanjun (Penny) Liao (University of California, San Diego)

Thursday, June 27th

3:45pm – 4:15pm, “Adjustment on the Margin: Evaluating Emissions Reduction Policies in the Face of Short-Run Adjustment Costs”
James Archsmith (University of Maryland, College Park)

4:15pm – 4:45pm, “Equity and the Environment: The Role of Imperfect Information”
Catherine Hausman (University of Michigan)
Joint with Samuel Stolper (University of Michigan)