2008 POWER Conference on
Energy Research and Policy
March 21, 2008
Clark Kerr Campus
Joseph Wood Krutch Theatre
2601 Warring Street
University of California, Berkeley
Organized by the University of California Energy Institute’s (UCEI) Center for the Study of Energy Markets (CSEM), the conference presents the work of leading researchers on some of the most challenging issues facing the electricity industry. This year, the papers directly address issues of climate change, cap-and-trade mechanism, tariff restructuring, energy efficiency, and electricity market design. Discussants of the work will include both researchers and practitioners.
Morning Sessions
8:00am-9:00am: Registration and Continental Breakfast
9:00am-9:15am: Welcome
9:15am-10:45am: Session 1
“Demand-Side Management and Energy Efficiency Revisited.”
Maximilian Auffhammer (UC Berkeley), Carl Blumstein (UC Energy Institute), and Meredith Fowlie (University of Michigan)
“How Much Does Increasing-Block Electricity Pricing Help Low-Income Customers?”
Severin Borenstein (UC Berkeley)
Marvin Horowitz (Demand Research)
Andrew Bell (Pacific Gas and Electric)
11:10am-12:40pm: Session 2
“Merger Analysis in Restructured Electricity Supply Industries: The Proposed PSEG and Exelon Merger (2006)”
Frank A. Wolak and Shaun D. McRae (Stanford University)
“Raising the Stakes on Capacity Incentives: PJM’s Reliability Pricing Model (RPM)”
James F. Wilson (LECG, LLC)
Joe Bowring (PJM Interconnection)
Harry Singh (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission)
12:40pm-2:10pm: Lunch
2:10pm-2:15pm: Welcome Back
2:15pm-3:00pm: Session 3
“Economic and Emissions Implications of Load-based, Source-based and First-seller Emissions Trading Programs under California AB32”
Yihsu Chen (UC Merced), Andrew Liu and Benjamin Hobbs (Johns Hopkins University)
“Over-Allocation or Abatement? A Preliminary Analysis of the EU ETS Based on the 2005-06 Emissions Data”
A. Denny Ellerman (M.I.T.) and Barbara K. Buchner (International Energy Agency)
Meredith Fowlie (University of Michigan)
Kurt Schuparra (California Strategies, LLC)
3:25pm-4:55pm: Session 4
“Modeling the Impact of Climate Policy on Expansion and Operation of the Electric Sector”
Victor Niemeyer (Electric Power Research Institute)
“Too Good to Be True? An Examination of Three Economic Assessments of California Climate Change Policy”
Robert N. Stavins (Harvard University), Judson Jaffe and Todd Schatzki (Analysis Group)
Nathaniel Keohane (Yale University and Environmental Defense)
Michael Hanemann (UC Berkeley)
4:55pm-5:00pm: Closing Remarks
5:00pm-6:30pm: Reception