Sorenson Impact Conference Review by Bree Jenkins, Haas MBA '19

Have you ever had the distinct feeling that you were standing in a snow globe? Surrounded by large beautiful flurries in a world blanketed in white, just waiting for your entire world to be shaken so that you could once again change perspective? This is how I felt during my stay in Salt Lake City, where even a powerful winter storm could not stop the 2019 Winter Innovation Summit. Read more here.

Reflections on the Sorenson Impact Conference by Maggie Fried, Haas MBA '19

When I started at Haas, I had just been introduced to the idea of impact investing. All I knew was that it was possible to invest for social impact and a financial return and it seemed as though it was the “perfect” way to drive social change. Flash forward to my second year at Haas, and I am one of two Student Coalition Delegates representing Haas at the Sorenson Impact Conference, which mainly focuses on impact investing. Read more here.