The Perfect Playground
Few geographical areas in the world can meet, let alone beat, the Haas School’s central location in the San Francisco Bay Area. The Haas community is, in turn, profoundly shaped by its surroundings. Not only is the San Francisco Bay Area an unmatched center of business innovation, but it’s also one of the world’s most popular tourist destinations – and for good reasons:
- the area’s stunning natural beauty
- seductively benign weather
- an atmosphere charged with worldly sophistication
- a distinctive openness to new ways of thinking
You can attend world-class theatre, film, dance, and music and stroll through a redwood grove without ever leaving Berkeley’s campus. Wander off, however, and within Berkeley’s 18 square miles, you can wander a rose garden, shop for Tibetan jewelry, or play a round of golf.
Just a 15-minute BART ride away is the city of San Francisco, with its neighborhoods, cable cars, culture, nightlife, and countless activities. Beyond lies wine country, the most beautiful seaside towns, Yosemite National Park, and the ski resorts of Lake Tahoe.