Learn About the Energy Institute Past Events
Our events create an intense research environment, connecting academics, government organizations, and industry professionals who are interested in energy economics. Below is a list of the Energy Institute’s past events:
- March 30, 2022: EEE Seminar: Money (Not) to Burn: Payment for Ecosystem Services for Crop Residue Burning
- March 11, 2022: POWER Conference on Energy Research and Policy
- March 1, 2022: EEE Seminar: Does Directed Innovation Mitigate Climate Damage? Evidence from US Agriculture
- November 19, 2021: EEE Seminar: The Costs of Environmental Policy Uncertainty: The Case of Air Toxics Standards
- October 6, 2021: EEE Seminar: Winds of Change: Technical Progress and Learning in Wind Power
- August 24, 2021: Webinar: The Mispricing of Energy – Implications for Electrification
- July 7, 2021: Webinar: Who Will Pay for Legacy Utility Costs?
- April 20, 2021: Webinar: Where is Pollution Moving? Environmental Markets and Environmental Justice
- March 16-19, 2021: POWER Conference on Energy Research and Policy
- October 8, 2020: BERCShop: Morning Coffee with Jessica Uhl
- September 16, 2020: BERCShop: Who Turned Off the Lights?
- April-May 2020: POWER Conference on Energy Research and Policy
- April 24, 2020: EEE Seminar: Optimal Unilateral Carbon Policy
- December 4, 2019: EEE Seminar: Climate Change, Directed Innovation, and Energy Transition: The Long-run Consequences of the Shale Gas Revolution
- November 20, 2019: EEE Seminar: Coase, Hotelling and Pigou: The Incidence of a Carbon Tax and CO2 Emissions
- November 6, 2019: EEE Seminar: Advantageous Selection as a Policy Instrument: Unraveling Climate Change
- October 17, 2019: BERCShop: Lunch & Learn with Enel’s CEO Francesco Starace
- October 2, 2019: EEE Seminar: Are “Complimentary Policies” Substitutes? Evidence from R&D Subsidies in the UK
- September 18, 2019: EEE Seminar: Are Inspections Going to Waste? Using Machine Learning to Improve EPA Inspection Targeting of Hazardous Waste Facilities
- August 28, 2019: Seminar: Economic and Environmental Benefits of Transition to Electricity Market in China, Provincial Versus Regional Grid Optimization
- June 24-27, 2019: Special Energy Institute Seminars
- May 1, 2019: EEE Seminar: Product Quality Disclosure with Uninformed Sellers
- April 24, 2019: EEE Seminar: The Causes and Consequences of Racial Convergence in Pollution Exposure in the United States
- April 17, 2019: EEE Seminar: Paying for Power: Prepaid Electricity and the Spending Patterns of the Poor
- April 11, 2019: BERCShop: A Green New Deal
- March 22, 2019: POWER Conference on Energy Research and Policy
- March 20, 2019: EEE Seminar: Short-Run and Long-Run Impacts of Environmental Regulations on Firm Productivity: Evidence from the U.S. Electricity Sector, 1938-1999
- March 13, 2019: EEE Seminar: The Effect of Air Pollution on Migration: Evidence from China
- March 6, 2019: EEE Seminar: Seawalls and Stilts: A Quantitative Macro Study of Climate Adaption
- February 20, 2019: EEE Seminar: Housing Discrimination and the Pollution Exposure Gap in the United States
- December 5, 2018: EEE Seminar: Quantities with Prices
- November 7, 2018: EEE Seminar: Per Capita Income, Consumption Patterns, and CO2 Emissions
- October 24, 2018: EEE Seminar: Heterogeneous Misperceptions of Energy Costs: Implications for Measurement and Policy Design
- October 17, 2018: Conference: Climate One – Saudi America
- September 26, 2018: EEE Seminar: Measuring Inefficiencies When Agents Break their Principals’ Rules: The Case of Energy Efficiency Retrofits
- September 13, 2018: Conference: Building The Evidence Base for Accelerated Climate Action
- September 12, 2018: EEE Seminar: Liquid Constrained: Estimating the Potential Gains from Water Markets
- June 26, 2018: Special Afternoon of Energy Institute Seminars
- May 2, 2018: BERCShop: Climate and Energy Policy in the Trump Era
- April 25, 2018: BERCShop: The Future of Transportation
- April 25, 2018: EEE Seminar: Estimating the Impacts of Wildlife Trade Bans
- April 18, 2018: EEE Seminar: Hazed and Confused: Air Pollution, Dementia and Financial Decision Making
- April 11, 2018: EEE Seminar: Pollution and the Intergenerational Transmission of Human Capital: Evidence from the 1970 Clean Air Act
- March 21, 2018: EEE Seminar: Gross Ecosystem Product for Sustainable Development
- March 14, 2018: EEE Seminar: Pricing Uncertainty Induced by Climate Change
- February 28, 2018: EEE Seminar: Can Smallholder Farmers Adapt to Water Scarcity? Evidence from Karnataka, India
- February 21, 2018: EEE Seminar: Experimental Evidence on the Effect of Information and Pricing on Residential Electricity Consumption
- December 6, 2017: EEE Seminar: Crude by Rail, Option Value, and Pipeline Investment
- December 4, 2017: BERCShop: Renewable Energy in Latin America
- November 29, 2017: EEE Seminar: Do Agents Internalize the Environmental Costs They Impose on Others? Evidence from 100,000 Forest Fires in Indonesia
- November 15, 2017: EEE Seminar: Ratcheting, Competition, and the Diffusion of Technological Change: The Case of Televisions under an Energy Efficiency Program
- November 1, 2017: EEE Seminar: Moral Hazard, Forest Fires, and Adaptation to Climate Change
- October 18, 2017: EEE Seminar: Measuring Leakage Risk
- October 4, 2017: EEE Seminar: Estimating Heterogeneous Preferences to Avoid Flood Risk and the Implications for Disaster Exposure
- September 20, 2017: EEE Seminar: Compatibility and Investment in the U.S. Electric Vehicle Market
- September 6, 2017: EEE Seminar: Is Rural Electrification Worth It? Experimental Evidence from Kenya
- August 23, 2017: EEE Seminar: The Marginal Product of Climate
- May 5, 2017: EEE Seminar: The Price of Coal over Wire: Thermal Power Plant Location, Pollution and Child Health in India
- April 19, 2017: EEE Seminar: Consequences of the Clean Water Act and the Demand for Water Quality
- April 5, 2017: EEE Seminar: Cost Pass-Through to Higher Ethanol Blends at the Pump: Evidence from Minnesota Gas Station Data
- March 17, 2017: EEE Seminar: On a World Climate Assembly and the Social Cost of Carbon
- March 1, 2017: EEE Seminar: Prices versus Quantities with Policy Updating
- February 15, 2017: EEE Seminar: Property Rights vs. Cooperative Agreements on the Global Ocean Commons
- December 7, 2016: EEE Seminar: Learning to be productive and learning to produce in the North Dakota Shale Boom
- November 16, 2016: EEE Seminar: Dynamic competition and arbitrage in electricity markets: The role of financial players
- November 2, 2016: EEE Seminar: Lead, Delinquency, and Crime: Evidence from Rhode Island
- October 19, 2016: EEE Seminar: Labor Response to Climate Variation in Eastern Africa
- October 5, 2016: EEE Seminar: The Local Environmental Consequences of Coal Procurement at U.S. Power Plants
- September 21, 2016: EEE Seminar: Private Eradication of Mobile Public Bads
- September 7, 2016: EEE Seminar: Consumer Valuation of Fuel Costs and the Effectiveness of Tax Policy: Evidence from the European Car Market
- August 24, 2016: EEE Seminar: Cash for Carbon: A Randomized Controlled Trial of Payments for Ecosystem Services to Reduce Deforestation