Each semester our accounting faculty brings to campus leading scholars and researchers to discuss current topics of interest. They give students and faculty the opportunity to expand their knowledge and network.
Upcoming Events
Accounting Seminar with Prof Ed deHaan
Friday February 14, 2025 | 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Accounting Seminar with Prof Aaron Yoon
Friday February 21, 2025 | 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Accounting Seminar with Prof Luo Zuo
Friday March 7, 2025 | 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Accounting Seminar with Professor Minlei Ye
Friday March 21, 2025 | 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Accounting Seminar with Prof Sean Cao
Friday April 4, 2025 | 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Accounting Seminar with Prof Kristen Green Valenti…
Friday April 18, 2025 | 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Accounting Seminar with Prof Laurel Mazur
Friday April 25, 2025 | 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Date | Speaker | Affiliation | Title of Paper | Time |
2/24/2023 | Sean Wang | Southern Methodist University | Bad News, Minority CEOs and Analyst Valuations | 2:00-3:30 PM, RM N500 |
3/10/2023 | Teri Yohn | Emory University | Measuring portfolio gains from earnings announcement trading signals | 2:00-3:30 PM, RM N370 |
3/17/2023 | K.R. Subramanyam | USC | Banking on Lenders: Lender Monitoring as a Substitute for Equity Blockholder Monitoring | 2:00-3:30 PM, RM N270 |
3/24/2023 | Yao Lu | Cornell | The impact of climate hazards on banks’ long-run performance | Postponed – new date TBA |
4/7/2023 | Stanimir Markov | UT Dallas | The Democratization of Earnings Calls’ | 2:00-3:30 PM, RM N470 |
4/14/2023 | Matthew Lyle | Emory University | Valuation and Returns on Stock Return Volatility | 2:00-3:30 PM, RM N470 |
4/21/2023 | Aiyesha Dey | Harvard University | 2:00-3:30 PM, RM N370 | |
4/28/2023 | Matthew Kubic | UT Austin | Postponed – new date TBA | |
9/16/2022 | Qi Chen | Duke | The decision relevance of loan fair values for depositors | 2:10pm – 3:30pm, Room C330 |
9/30/2022 | Thomas Bourveau | Columbia Business School | Human capital disclosures | 2:10pm – 3:30pm, Room C330 |
10/7/2022 | Philip Wang | University of Florida | Do Information Processing Costs Matter to Regulators? Evidence from the U.S. Shadow Bank Supervision | 2:10pm – 3:30pm, Room C330 |
10/21/2022 | Brandon Lock | CUNY | Optimistic Gatekeepers: Credit Rating Optimism around M&A Deals | 2:10pm – 3:30pm, Zoom |
10/28/2022 | Suresh Nallareddy | Duke | Capitalization of Intellectual Property Products and Distribution of Income between Labor and Capital | 2:10pm – 3:30pm, Room C330 |
11/18/2022 | John Barrios | Washington University, St. Louis | A New Era of Midnight Mergers: Antitrust Risk and Investor Disclosures | 2:10pm – 3:30pm, Room C320 |
11/1/2019 | Hollis Skaife | UC Davis | Corporate Lobbying and Ceo Pay | 2:10pm – 3:30pm, Room C320 |
10/25/2019 | Allan Timmermann | UCSD Finance | TBD | 2:10pm – 3:30pm, Room C320 |
10/4/2019 | Brian Bushee | Wharton | TBD | 2:10pm – 3:30pm, Room C320 |
9/27/2019 | Volker Laux | UT Austin | TBD | 2:10pm – 3:30pm, Room C320 |
4/26/2019 | Thomas Pfeiffer | University of Vienna | tbd | tbd |
4/5/2019 | Frank Zhang | Yale University | The Death of Stock Splits: An Increase in the Costs to Split | 2:10pm – 3:30pm, Room C330 |
3/22/2019 | Michael Dambra | University at Buffalo | tbd | tbd |
2/15/2019 | Jonathan Glover | Columbia University | Accounting Consent and Relational Contracting | 2:10pm – 3:30pm, Room C330 |
12/07/2018 | Ivan Marinovic | Stanford University | Asset Pricing Implications of Strategic Trading and Activism | Room C320;Seminar at 4:10-5:30pm |
11/30/2018 | Eli Bartov | New York University | Corporate Social Responsibility and the Market Reaction to Negative Events: Evidence from Inadvertent and Fraudulent Restatement Announcements | Room C320;Seminar at 2:00-3:30pm |
11/9/2018 | Steve Monahan | INSEAD University | Price Informativeness in the Time Series and the Cross Section | Room C320;Seminar at 2:00-3:30pm |
10/26/2018 | Pervin Shroff | Minnesota University | Fair value accounting: Consequences of booking market-driven goodwill impairment | Room C320;Seminar at 2:00-3:30pm |
06/19/2018 | James A. Ohlson | Hong Kong Polytechnic University | Researchers’ Data Analysis Choices: An Excess of False Positives? | 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM, N340+N344 |
09/15/2017 | Mirko Heinle | Wharton | “Investment Tinder: A theory of rational investment screens​” | 2:10 – 3:30 PM, C320 |
10/5/2017 | Rodrigo Verdi | MIT | “The Feedback Effect of Disclosure Externalities” | 2:10 – 3:30 PM, location TBA |
10/20/2017 | Joanna Wu | Rochester | “Is Silence Golden? Real Effects of Mandatory Disclosure” | 2:10 – 3:30 PM, C320 |
10/27/2017 | Peter Joos | INSEAD | “Looking Under the Hood: Quantitative vs Qualitative Inputs to Analyze Forecasts of Fundamental Risk” | 2:10 – 3:30 PM, C320 |
05/26/2017 | Carlo Maria Gallimberti | Boston College | “Equity market use of banks’ private information: Evidence from Analysts’ Forecast Revisions around Loan Contracts Disclosures” | 2:10 – 3:30 PM |
05/19/2017 | Phil Shane | College of William & Mary | “Do Financial Analysts Generate Value-Relevant Interpretive Information from Analysis of 10-K Filings?” | 10:30 – 12:00 PM |
04/21/2017 | Ryan Ball | University of Michigan | “Does it Pay to ‘Be Like Mike’? An Empirical Test of Dynamic Relative Performance Evaluation” | 2:10 – 3:30 PM |
04/07/2017 | Regina Wittenberg Moerman | USC | “Making Sense of Soft Information: Interpretation Bias and Ex-post Lending Outcomes” | 2:10 – 3:30 PM |
12/02/2016 | Henry Laurion
and Sam Tan |
UC Berkeley | “Managers’ Focus on Non-GAAP Earnings: Implications for Real Activities and Accounting Choices”
and “Accounting Choices and the Legal Environment: the Impact of Dura Pharmaceuticals v. Broudo“ |
2:10 – 3:30 PM, Rm C320 |
11/17/2016 | Clive Lennnox | USC | “Earnings Management, Audit Adjustments, and the Financing of Corporate Acquisitions: Evidence from China” | 2:10 – 3:30 PM, Rm C320 |
10/28/2016 | Stephen Penman | Columbia | “Accounting-based Estimates of the Cost of Capital: A Third Way” | 2:10 – 3:30 PM, Rm C320 |
10/14/2016 | Ilan Guttman | NYU | “Optimal Debt Contracts in the Presence of Performance Manipulation” | 2:10 – 3:30 PM, Rm C320 |
09/16/2016 | Annika Wang | Berkeley Haas | “R&D Overinvestment around Seasoned Equity Offerings: Evidence from High-technology Industries” | 2:10 – 3:30 PM, Rm C320 |
09/09/2016 | Ilia Dichev | Emory University | “Accrual Duration” | 2:10 – 3:30 PM, Rm C320 |
09/02/2016 | Eric Floyd | UC San Diego | “The Real Effects of Mandated Information on Social Responsibility in Financial Reports: Evidence from Mine-Safety Records” | 2:10 – 3:30 PM, Rm C320 |
08/26/2016 | Qi Chen | Duke University | “Accounting Measurements of Assests and Earnings and Investors’ Pricing of Firm Assests” | 2:10 – 3:30 PM, Rm C320 |
04/29/2016 | Jiri Novak | Charles University (Prague) | “Competitive Threats, Information Asymmetry, and Insider Trading” | 2:00 – 3:30 PM, Rm C330 |
04/22/2016 | David Aboody | UCLA | “Executive Compensation and Operating Leverage” | 2:00 – 3:30 PM, Rm C330 |
04/08/2016 | Henry Friedman | UCLA | “The Impact of Discretionary DIsclosure on Financial Reporting Systems: an Extension of Bayesian Persuasion” | 2:00 – 3:30 PM, Rm C330 |
04/01/2016 | Ted Christensen | University of Georgia | “Earnings Management Proxies: Prudent Business Decisions or Earnings Manipulation?” | 2:00 – 3:30 PM, Rm C330 |
03/04/2016 | Wayne Landsman | UNC | Unavailable | 2:00 – 3:30 PM, Rm C330 |
02/12/2016 | Partha Mohanram | Toronto | “Fundamental Analysis of Bank Stocks” | 2:00 – 3:30 PM, Rm C330 |
11/20/2015 | Rafael Rogo | University of British Columbia | “SEC Monitoring of Foreign Firms’ Disclosures” | 2:10 – 3:30 PM, Rm C320 |
10/23/2015 | Terrence Blackburne | University of Washington | “Regulatory Oversight and Reporting Incentives: Evidence from SEC Budget Allocations” | 2:10 – 3:30 PM, Rm C320 |
09/18/2015 | Asher Curtis | University of Washington | “The use of adjusted earnings in performance evaluation” | 2:10 – 3:30 PM, Rm C320 |
05/1/2015 | Paul Zarowin | NYU School of Business | “SFAS 142, Conditional Conservatism, and Acquisition Profitability and Risk” | Cheit 330 from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. |
04/24/2015 | Lakshmanan Shivakumar | London Business School | “Why Do Aggregate Earnings Shocks Predict Future Inflation Shocks?” | Cheit 330 from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. |
04/3/2015 | Mary Barth | Stanford Graduate School of Business | “What Do Accruals Tell Us About Future Cash Flows?” | Cheit 330 from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. |
03/27/2015 | Malachy English | Haas School of Business | “Accounting for Generated vs. Contributed Change in the Enterprise Value” | Cheit 330 from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. |
03/13/2015 | Miguel Minutti-Meza | University of Miami School of Business | “How is expertise acquired and shared by professional accountants? Evidence from Italian statutory auditors’ networks and tax avoidance.” | Cheit 330 from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. |
02/27/2015 | Ronald Espinosa | Haas School of Business | “Financial Constraints, Corporate Investment and Future Profitability” | Cheit 330 from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. |
11/14/2014 | Zahn Bozanic | Ohio State University | “Financial Statement Errors: Evidence from the Distributional Properties of Financial Statement Numbers” | Cheit Hall Room C230 2-3:30PM |
10/31/2014 | Max Hewitt | Indiana University | “Firm-specific Estimates of Differential Persistence and Their Incremental Usefulness for Forecasting and Valuation” | Cheit Hall Room C230 2-3:30PM
PhD Students: 4-4:30pm in F589 |
10/17/2014 | John Core | MIT | “Why do some CEOs hold so much equity?” | Cheit Hall Room C230 2-3:30PM |
09/19/2014 | Jonathan Glover | Carnegie Mellon Univeristy | “Relational Contracts With and Between Agents” | Cheit Hall Room C230 2-3:30PM |
09/12/2014 | Itay Kama | University of Michigan | “Conditional Persistence of Earnings Components and Accounting Anomalies” | Cheit Hall Room C230 2-3:30PM |
05/09/2014 | Yontae Kim | Leavey School of Business, Santa Clara University | “Common auditors in M&A transactions” | Cheit Hall Room C250 11:00-12:30AM |
04/04/2014 | Paige Patrick | Foster School of Business, University of Washington | “Renegotiations of target CEOs” | Cheit Hall Room C330 2:00-3:30PM |
12/06/2013 | K.R. Subramanyam | Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California | “Do options price predictable patterns in future stock returns? Evidence from accounting anomalies” | Cheit Hall Room C320 2:00PM-3:30PM |
10/18/2013 | Siew Hong Teoh | University of California, Irvine | “Limited Attention, Statement of Cash Flow Disclosure, and the Valuation of Accruals” | Cheit Hall, C320 2:00PM – 3:30PM |
10/04/2013 | Brett Trueman | Anderson School of Management, UCLA | “Firm-Specific Investor Sentiment” | Cheit Hall, C330 2:00PM – 3:30PM |
04/12/2013 | William M. Cready | University of Texas, Dallas | “Bonus Rigidity and Future Performance theory and Evidence” | Cheit Hall, C330 2:30PM – 4:00PM |
09/20/2013 | Christopher S. Armstrong | The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania | “Abnormal Accruals in Newly Public Companies: Opportunistic Misreporting or Economic Activity?” | Cheit Hall C320, 2:00PM – 3:30PM |
12/07/2012 | Mary Ellen Carter | Boston College, Carroll School of Management | “Do Shareholders Welcome Court Intervention In CEO Pay Matters?” | Cheit Hall, C320 2:00PM – 3:30PM |
11/09/2012 | David Erkens | Marshall School of Business, USC | “Affiliated Banker on Board and Conservative Accounting” | Cheit Hall, C320 2:00PM – 3:30PM |
10/31/2012 | Adair Morse | University of Chicago, UC Berkeley, NBER | “How Pervasive is Corporate Fraud?” | Cheit Hall, C335 2:00PM – 3:30PM |
10/25/2012 | Maureen McNichols | Stanford University | “Decomposition of the Market-to-Book Ratio” | Cheit Hall, C320 2:00PM – 3:30PM |
10/19/2012 | Paul Fischer | University of Pennsylvania | “Projected Earnings Fixation” | Cheit Hall, C320 2:00PM – 3:30PM |
10/12/2012 | Eli Bartov | NYU – Stern | “Does Income Statement Placement Matter to Investors? The Case of Gains/Losses from Early Debt Extinguishment” |
Cheit Hall, C320 2:00PM – 3:30PM |
09/28/2012 | Mark Soliman | University of Washington | “The Sharpest Tool in the Tool Shed: Simultaneous Equations of Financial Statement Management Tools during IPOs” |
Cheit Hall, C320 2:00PM – 3:30PM |
09/14/2012 | Jacob Thomas | Yale University | “Implications of scale invariance in EPS forecast errors” | Cheit Hall, C320 2:00PM – 3:30PM |
09/07/2012 | Harm Schuett | Haas PhD | “Do Analysts Understand the Relation between Investment Growth and Conservative Accounting?” | Cheit Hall, C320 2:00PM – 3:30PM |
08/31/2012 | Professor Haresh Sapra | University of Chicago Booth School of Business | “Agency Conflicts, Prudential Regulation, and Marking to Market” | Cheit Hall, C320 2:00PM – 4:00PM |
05/18/2012 | Harm Schuett | Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley | “The Matching Principle: Insights into Earning’s Usefulness to Investors” | Cheit Hall, C330 2:00PM – 3:30PM |
05/11/2012 | Scott Richardson | Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley | “Macro to Micro: Country exposures, firm fundamentals and stock returns” | Cheit Hall, C330 2:00PM – 3:30PM
Note: Pre-Seminar (for Accounting PhDs only) is 1-2PM in C132 |
05/04/2012 | Aydin Uysal
Estelle Sun |
Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley | “A Refinement to the Accrual Anomaly”
“Earnings Management for Financial Misstatement Firms: An Implication of Discretionary Expenditures” |
Cheit Hall, C330 2:00PM – 3:30PM
Note: Pre-Seminar (for Accounting PhDs only) is 1-2PM in C132 |
04/27/2012 | Jackie Siriviriyakul
Fernando Comiran |
Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley | “The Use of DuPont Analysis at the Aggregate Level”
“Information Advantage or Local GAAP Knowledge? Local vs. Non-local Analyst Forecast Precision” |
Cheit Hall, C330 2:30PM – 4:00PM
Note: Pre-Seminar (for Accounting PhDs only) is 1-2PM in C132 |
04/06/2012 | Michael J. Jung | Stern School of Business – NYU | “Analyst Interest, Market Visibility, and Stock Returns” | Cheit Hall, C330 2:00PM – 3:30PM |
03/02/2012 | Suresh Nallaredy | Marshall School of Business – USC | “Does Differential Sensitivity to Aggregate Earnings Shocks Drive Post-Earnings-Announcement Drift?” | Cheit Hall, C330 2:00PM – 3:30PM |
02/10/2012 | Katie McDermott | Kenan-Flagler Business School – UNC at Chapel Hill | “Financial Reporting Quality and Investment in Corporate Social Responsibility?” | Cheit Hall, C330 2:00PM – 3:30PM |
02/03/2012 | Eric So | Stanford Graduate School of Business | “A New Approach to Predicting Analyst Forecast Errors: Do Investors Overweight Analyst Forecasts?” | Cheit Hall, C330 2:00PM – 3:30PM |
01/27/2012 | Mark Maffett | Wharton School of Business, University of North Carolina, Kenan-Flagler Business School |
“Who Benefits from Corporate Opacity? International Evidence from Informed Trading by Institutional Investors” | Cheit Hall, C330 2:00PM – 3:30PM |
01/13/2012 | Henry Friedman | Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania |
“Under pressure: reporting costs and managerial power in the CEO-CFO setting” | Cheit Hall, C330 2:00PM – 3:30PM |
12/09/2011 | Fernando Comiran | Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley |
“Local vs. Non-local Analyst Forecast Precision: Evidence of ADR firms” | Cheit Hall, C320 2:00PM – 4:00PM |
12/09/2011 | Subprasiri Siriviriyakul | Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley |
“Re-Examination of Real Earnings Management to Avoid Losses” | Cheit Hall, C320 2:00PM – 4:00PM |
12/02/2011 | Maureen McNichols | Stanford University | Unavailable | Unavailable |
10/31/2011 | Harm Schuett | Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley |
“The Matching Principle: Insights into Earning’s Usefulness to Investors” | Cheit Hall, C320 2:00PM-3:30PM |
10/28/2011 | Yaniv and Panos | Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley |
“Accounting Earnings and Future Macroeconomic Growth” | Cheit Hall, C330 2:30PM-4:00PM |
10/20/2011 | Estelle Sun | Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley |
“Earnings Management for Financial Misstatement Firms: An Implication of Discretionary Expenditures” | Cheit Hall, C335 11:00AM-12:30PM |
10/13/2011 | Ayden Uysal | Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley | “A Refinement to the Accrual Anomaly” | Cheit Hall, C220 4:00PM-5:30PM |
09/23/2011 | Natalya Khimich | Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley | “Cash flow and discount rate news estimation: which method to choose?” | Cheit Hall, C330 2:00PM-3:30PM |
09/16/2011 | Eric Allen | Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley | “Why do IPO firms record a full deferred tax valuation allowance?” | Cheit Hall, C330 3:00PM-4:00PM |
09/02/2011 | Gilad Livne | Cass Business School | “Mandatory Auditor Rotation, Accounting Conservatism and the Mandatory Adoption of IFRS” | Cheit Hall, C330 2:30PM-4:00PM |
04/29/2011 | Haifeng You | School of Business and Management, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology | “Valuation-Driven Profit Transfer among Corporate Segments” | Cheit Hall, C330 3:00PM-4:00PM |
04/22/2011 | Eric C. So | Graduate School of Business, Stanford University | “A New Approach to Predicting Analyst Forecast Errors: Implications for Investment Decisions?” | Cheit Hall, C330 2:00PM-3:30PM |
01/21/2011 | Yaniv Konchitchki | Marshall School of Business, USCA | “Does Superior Knowledge Management Increase Shareholder Value?” | Cheit Hall, C330 2:00PM-3:30PM |
12/03/2010 | Yuan Estelle Sun | Berkeley Haas PhD | “Real Earnings Management for Financial Misstatement Firms” | Cheit Hall, C330 1:00PM-2:30PM |
12/03/2010 | Karl Mueller | Penn State | “Strategic Disclosure of 10b5-1 Trading Plans” | Cheit Hall, C330 2:00PM-3:30PM |
11/19/2010 | Asher Curtis | University of Utah | “The Comparability of Accounting Rates of Return Under Historical Cost Accounting” |
Cheit Hall, C330 02:00PM-03:30PM |
11/05/2010 | Madhay Rajan | Stanford University | “Conservation Correction for the Market-to-Book Ratio” | Cheit Hall, C330 02:00PM-03:30PM |
10/15/2010 | Gergio Serafeim | Harvard University | “Forecasting Profitability Around the World” | Cheit Hall, C330 02:00PM-03:30PM |
10/8/2010 | Panos Patatoukas | UC Berkeley, Haas School of Business | “The Impact of Earnings Surprises on Stock Returns: Theory and Evidence” | Cheit Hall, C330 02:30PM-04:00PM |
09/17/2010 | Steve Penman | Columbia University | “Returns to Buying Earnings and Book Value: Accounting for Growth and Risk” | Cheit Hall, C330 02:00PM-03:30PM |
05/07/2010 | Kevin Li | Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley | “Has Goodwill Accounting Gone Bad?” | Cheit Hall, C330 02:30PM-04:00PM |
05/07/2010 | Eric Allen | Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley | “The entity choice anomaly: Quantifying the cost of organizing loss-generating startup firms as Corporations” | Cheit Hall, C330 02:30PM-04:00PM |
04/30/2010 | Seungmin Chee | Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley | “The Information Content of Commercial Banks’ Fair Value Disclosures of Loans under SFAS No. 107” |
Cheit Hall, C330 02:00PM-03:30PM |
12/04/2009 | Anne Beyer | Stanford University | “Capital Structure, Cost of Capital, and Voluntary Disclosures” | Cheit Hall, C330 02:00PM-03:30PM |
11/20/2009 | Nir Yehuda | Johnson Graduate School of Management, Cornell University | “The Economic Consequences of Perk Disclosure” | Cheit Hall, C330 02:00PM-03:30PM |
10/23/2009 | Rodrigo Verdi | MIT Sloan School of Management | “The Benefits of Financial Statement Comparability” | Cheit Hall, C330 02:00PM-03:30PM |
10/16/2009 | Aiyesha Dey | University of Chicago Booth School of Business | “Determinants and Implications of Board Leadership Structure” | Cheit Hall, C330 02:00PM-03:30PM |
09/25/2009 | Devin Shanthikumar | Harvard Business School | “Geographic Location, Media Coverage and Investor Reactions” | Cheit Hall, C330 02:00PM-03:30PM |
09/11/2009 | Mort Pincus | University of California, Irvine | “Book-Tax Differences, Uncertainty about Information Quality, and Cost of Capital” | Cheit Hall, C330 02:00PM-03:30PM |
04/24/2009 | Ilia Dichev | Stephen M. Ross School of Business, University of Michigan | “Higher Risk, Lower Returns: What Hedge Fund Investors Really Earn” | Cheit Hall, C330 02:00PM-03:30PM |
02/06/2009 | Kai Sandner | University of Munich, Munich School of Management | “Differences in Social Preferences: Are They Profitable for the Firm?” | Cheit Hall, C330 02:00PM-03:30PM |
11/14/2008 | Zvi Singer | Desautels Faculty of Management, McGill University | “Managerial Discretion and the Reversal of Abnormal Accruals” | Cheit Hall, C320 02:00PM-03:30PM |
11/07/2008 | Bill Mayhew | Fuqua School of Business, Duke University | “The Power of Voice: Managerial Affective States and Future Firm Performance” | Cheit Hall, C320 02:00PM-03:30PM |
04/18/2008 | Marlene Plumlee | University of Utah | “An Analysis of the Underlying Causes of Restatements” | Cheit Hall, C330 02:00PM-03:30PM |
04/11/2008 | Thomas Hemmer | University of Houston | “Stewardship and Value Relevance Implications of ACcrual Accounting Systems” | Cheit Hall, C330 02:00PM-03:30PM |
03/21/2008 | Cathy Shakespeare | University of Michigan | “The Limits of Empire: CEO Compensation and its Link to Acquisitions… and Diverstitures” | Cheit Hall, C330 02:00PM-03:30PM |
02/29/2008 | Nahum Melumad | Columbia University | “Operating Profit Variation Analysis: Implications for Future Earnings and Equity Values” | Cheit Hall, C330 02:00PM-03:30PM |
12/14/2007 | Kevin Li, Kwang Lee, Seungmin Chee, Xue Shuang | Haas School of Business | “Expected Holding of Cash, Future Performance and Stock Returns,” “Summary of Research in Progress,” “Revisiting Negative Special Items,” “Are Cash Flows Managed? Empirical Evidence from Quarterly Financial Statements of Listed Chinese Firms” | Cheit Hall, C320 02:00PM- 03:30PM |
12/07/2007 | Richard Sloan | Barclay’s Global Investors | “Investor Recognition and Stock Returns” | Cheit Hall, C320 01:00PM- 02:15PM |
11/30/2007 | Michelle Hanlon | University of Michigan | “The Effects of Managers on Corporate Tax Avoidance” | Cheit Hall, C320 02:00PM- 03:30PM |
11/01/2007 | Qintao Fan | Haas School of Business | “Hurdle Rate and Return-Enhancing Effort” | Cheit Hall, C330 01:00PM- 02:30PM |
11/02/2007 | Guochang Zhang | Hong Kong University of Science and Technology | “Relative Firm Profitability and Stop Price Sensitivity to Aggregate Information” | Cheit Hall, C320 01:30PM- 03:00PM |
09/28/2007 | Peter Demerjian | Goizueta Business School, Emory University |
“The Role of Debt Covenants in Limiting Operating Performance Risk: Evidence from Private Loan Agreements “ |
Cheit Hall, C320 02:00- 03:30PM |
09/21/2007 | Shai Levi | Haas School of Business | “Conservatism in Analyst Forecast Revisions NOTE: This paper will not be distributed by email, but will be available at the seminar. “ |
Cheit Hall, C320 02:00- 03:30PM |
09/14/2007 | Sandra Chamberlain | University of British Columbia | “Variation in the Use of Debt Covenants in Public Debt Over Time: The Role of Borrower Reputation and Accounting Quality” | Cheit Hall, C320 01:30 PM- 03:00PM |
05/04/2007 | Haifeng You | Haas School of Business | ” A Study of Firms Surrounding the Threshold of Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404 Compliance” |
Cheit Hall, C335 02:30- 03:30PM |
04/19/2007 | Nicole Johnson | Haas School of Business | “Dual Transfer Prices with Unknown Costs and Market Demand “ | S518 03:00- 05:00PM |
03/16/2007 | Pierre Liang | Carnegie-Mellon University | “Optimal Team Size and Monitoring in Organizations” | Cheit Hall, C325 01:00- 2:30PM |
03/09/2007 | Rajiv Banker | Temple University | “Strategic Position, Value Creation, and Performance Evaluation in Executive Compensation” | Cheit Hall, C325 1:00PM- 2:30PM |
02/09/2007 | Irem Tuna | The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania | “Management Forecasts, Disclosure Quality, and Market Efficiency” | Cheit Hall, C325 1:00- 2:30pm |
02/02/2007 | Christo Karuna | University of California, Irvine | “CEO Reputation and Corporate Governance” | Cheit Hall, C325 01:00- 2:30 pm |
11/03/2006 | Paul Newman | University of Texas, Austin | “Delegation to Encourage Communication of Problems” | Cheit Hall, C330 01:00- 2:30 pm |
10/20/2006 | Stefan Reichelstein | Stanford University | “Conservatism Growth and Return on Investment” | Cheit Hall, C330 01:00- 2:30 pm |
10/13/2006 | Haresh Sapra | University of Chicago | “A Theory of Auditor Bias and Audit Quality” | Cheit Hall, C330 01:00- 2:30 pm |
09/15/2006 | Maria Nondorf | Haas School of Business | “The SEC Comment Letter Process and its Effects on the Quality of Disclosure for IPO Firms” | Cheit Hall, C330 12:00- 2:30 pm |
05/05/2006 | Charles M. C. Lee | Global Head of Equity Research, Barclays Global Investors | “Tunneling in China: The Surprisingly Pervasive Use of Corporate Loans to Extract Funds from Chinese Listed Companies” | Cheit Hall, C330 1:00- 2:30 pm |
04/28/2006 | James Ohslon | W.P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University | “Dividend Policy Irrelevancy and the Construct of Earnings” | Cheit Hall, C330 1:00- 2:30pm |
04/21/2006 | Bill Rogerson | Northwestern University | “Inter-Temporal Cost Allocation and Investment Decisions” | Cheit Hall, C330 1:00- 2:30pm |
04/13/2006 | Shivakumar Lakshmanan | University of Chicago | “Earnings Quality at Initial Public Offerings: Managerial Opportunism, or Public-firm Conservatism?” | Cheit Hall, C220 1:00- 2:30pm |
02/10/2006 | Eli Amir | London Business School | “The Effects of Disclosure, Medium, Timing, and Detail on Market Reactions to Earning Announcements” | Cheit Hall, C330 12:30- 2:00pm |
02/2/2006 | Carol Marquardt | New York University | “SEC Scrutiny and the Evolution of Non-GAAP Reporting” | Cheit Hall, F320 12:30- 2:00pm |
12/13/2005 | Desmond Tang | Haas School of Business | “Comparing the Quality of Accruals for Alternative Summary Performance Measures in the Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) Industry” | Cheit Hall, C325 10:00- 11:30am |
12/9/2005 | Zvi Singer | Haas School of Business | “Discretionary Financial Reporting: Its Ability to Mislead Investors and Changes over Time in an IPO Setting” | Cheit Hall, C250 10:00- 11:30am |
12/2/2005 | Frank Gigler | University of Minnesota | “On the Economic Value of Limiting Commitment in Agencies with Renegotiation” | Cheit Hall, C110 1:00- 2:30pm |
11/18/2005 | Tim Baldenius | Columbia University | “Non-Financial Performance Measures as Coordination Devices” |
Cheit Hall, C110 1:00- 2:30pm |
10/19/2005 | Madhav Rajan | Stanford University | “Objective versus Subjective Performance” | Cheit Hall, S518 1:00- 2:30pm |
10/14/2005 | Richard Sloan | University of Michigan | “Investor Recognition and Stock Returns” | Cheit Hall, C110 1:00- 2:30pm |
10/7/2005 | Chandra Kanodia | “Cash Flow Hedges: Assessing the Information Content of Mark-to-Market and Historical Cost Accounting” | Cheit Hall, C250 10:00- 11:30am |
09/30/2005 | Mohan Venkata chalam |
Duke University | “Accelerated Vesting of Employee Stock Options in Anticipation of FAS 123-R” | Cheit Hall, C110 1:00- 2:30pm |
05/6/2005 | Steve Huddart | Pennsylvania State University | “Jeopardy, Non-Public Information, and Insider Trading around SEC 10K and10Q Filings” | Cheit Hall, C110 1:00- 2:30pm |
04/29/2005 | Patty Dechow | University of Michigan | “The Persistence of Earnings and Cash Flows and the Role of Special Items: Implications for the Accrual Anomaly” | Cheit Hall, C325 12:30- 2:00pm |
04/8/2005 | Sri Sridharan | Northwestern University | “Determinants of Audit Failure” | Cheit Hall, C110 12:00- 1:30pm |
04/1/2005 | Siew Hong Teoh | Ohio State University | “Accruals and NOA Anomalies: Risk or Mispricing” | Cheit Hall, C110 1:00- 2:30pm |
12/03/2004 | Zhaoyang Gu | Carnegie Mellon University | “Measuring the Precision of Analysts’ Private and Common Information: Generalization and an Application” |
Cheit Hall, C110 12:30- 2:00pm |
11/19/2004 | Teri Yohn | Georgetown University | “Does Industry-level Analysis Improve Profitability Forecasts?” | Cheit Hall, C110 12:30- 2:00pm |
11/17/2004 | Shijun Cheng | University of Michigan | “Accounting versus Stock Based Performance Incentives: An Agency Solution or an Agency Problem?” |
F320 12:30- 2:00pm |
10/29/2004 | Elizabeth Demers | University of Rochester | “IPO Failure Prediction: Are There Differences in the “New Economy”” | Cheit Hall, C110 12:30- 2:00pm |