The Berkeley Haas Employer Relations team strives to make the MBA recruiting process as successful as possible for both our students and recruiting partners.
We hold our students to the highest standards of professionalism. Policies are in place to ensure that students respect your time and effort. Students understand that behavior such as failing to attend an interview without prior notification or, most seriously, reneging on an accepted offer, carries repercussions.
In turn, we ask you to respect the following policies when recruiting our students.
Recruiting Policies
Students have consented to make their resumes available to companies and organizations through the various Haas resume books and resume drops. These are to be used solely for recruitment purposes.
In order to foster a cooperative learning environment, historically, full-time MBAs have adopted a non-disclosure policy with respect to their grades and academic honors earned during their MBA program. The policy calls for all students, regardless of program, not to verbally or in any other way, disclose Haas grades throughout the entire recruiting process.
If you ask students to apply via your website, please be aware that students may skip a question requesting MBA GPA or enter “0” into that field. If you have questions or concerns about this policy, please contact your MBA Career Management relationship manager. Note that this is a student voted policy and not the opinion of the school.
We do not condone students missing class in order to attend an interview, and we encourage students to swap interview times prior to finalizing your schedule in order to accommodate their academic work. Recruiter changes to a schedule after it has been published can result in a conflict with a class time for a candidate and can negatively impact a student’s academic work. Please make every effort not to change your schedule after it becomes final. In the event that last-minute changes arise, we ask that you be flexible with our students and give them the option to reschedule the interview.
We ask that recruiters make every attempt to provide students with sufficient notice of the timing of second-round interviews. To avoid scheduling conflicts with student academic responsibilities, we recommend that you offer at least one alternate date for second-round or on-site interviews. Please notify your relationship manager of your proposed call-back schedule as early as possible so that we can help you manage potential conflicts with other student activities.
Because of the importance that employers, students, and the Haas School place on accepting an offer, we strongly recommend that firms provide sufficient time for a student to consider an offer. If you have questions or concerns about an offer acceptance deadline, please contact your MBA Career Management relationship manager.
- Students who receive full-time offers from their summer internship employer have until November 15, 2024 or at least 15 business days from the written offer date, whichever is later, to respond.
- Students who receive full-time offers during fall recruiting have until December 2, 2024 or at least 15 business days from the written offer date, whichever is later, to respond.
- Students who receive investment banking internship offers associated with the fall recruiting period have 10 business days from the written offer date to respond.
- Students who receive summer internship offers as a result of pre-MBA and diversity offsite conferences have until February 17, 2025 to respond.
- Students who receive summer internship offers during Spring recruiting have until February 17, 2025 or at least 15 business days from the written offer date, whichever is later to respond.
- Students who receive just-in-time summer internship or full-time offers after March 3, 2025 should ask for a written offer and be given at least 5 business days from the written offer date to respond.
To avoid academic conflicts, all summer internships must end prior to the first day of class: August 25, 2025.
We do not allow our employers to provide undue pressure or unreasonable expectations around accepting offers. Negative offer terms include:
- Exploding offers
- Requiring students to respond to verbal (not written) offers
- Requiring students to respond to offers (whether real or hypothetical) on the spot
- Changes to offer terms
- Rescinding an offer
Such actions may negatively impact your reputation among the students and the school.
Notwithstanding these policies, we recognize that some companies participate in diversity fellowship programs that involve early opportunities for internship interviews and offers. We support these early opportunities subject to the following conditions:
- Such interviews are not held the week of August 18-22, 2025 during ACE Week, a mandatory event for all incoming students.
- Candidates are given at least ten business days to consider such offers, and there is additional financial support as part of these fellowships.